This is it. The last weekend of the Summer, assuming you believe that Summer is from Labor to Memorial Day. Or, wait. Is it Memorial Day to Labor Day? One of those. Let’s start again.
This is it. The other 3-day weekend of the Summer. The second one, I mean. The one that ends it. Maybe I should Google this…
This is it. Labor Day. The last weekend of the Summer for those of us who are more into marking time via government holidays than by the weird solstice or equinox or whatever it is that happens outside (I’m not opening Google again).
Some folks will barbecue, some folks will bar-b-que, and yet other folks will BBQ. Personally, I’m planning on enjoying the last weekend of the summer recharging. I made Maribou watch the trailer for Chennai Express and she pointed out that we could probably get that from the library and, wouldn’t you know it, we could and so we’re going to be watching this tonight (with glasses in our hands):
And the rest of the weekend is just the “last weekend of the summer” stuff. Errands, chores, and discussions about when we think we might have to switch from cotton to flannel.
So… what’s on your docket?
Barring something unforeseen, we close on the house on Tuesday. The movers arrive on Thursday. So we have a lot of work to do between now and then.Report
Awesome news! Congratulations!Report
Hooray, and here’s hoping this is the last move for a while.Report
Happy Happy Joy JoyReport
Most of my weekend will be attempts at relaxation. A few hikes, a kitchen experiment or two, some dabbling in new cocktails. Maybe a movie(s). And reading… a lot of reading. Oh, and I think the Duck’s first game against some patsy is on Saturday?
Only one “project:” I have it in my head these days to turn a room that was meant to be a wine cellar by our builder into an actual wine cellar. (It’s just a place that has book shelves, unopened boxes and a never-used cat box at the moment.) I think I’m going to start looking into that.
I’ll be doing all-day barbecued ribs on Monday, when some as-of-yet undetermined number of friends come over for a late afternoon/early evening time on the deck.Report
Go Ducks. I may stay up for the first half or the first 50 points, whichever comes first.Report
My friend who does tree maintenance apparently knows a vacant lot with a tree covered in absolutely delicious apples. We might manage to do some harvesting of this tree tomorrow morning. I haven’t seen the tree, but I can confirm the apples are really good.
I’ve got a cider press I made last year, but no fruit grinder. I’m going to try freezing and thawing the fruit, which I’ve heard also works pretty well for turning them into a press-able mush, without much affecting the taste of the juice.
We’re going to my wife’s boyfriend’s family’s place for Saturday evening and all Sunday. I’m not sure which of the cousins and so forth will be there, but I hope there’s some – they’re lovely folks, and it would be nice for Kiddo to have someone to play with.
On Monday I’m going on a bike-swapping bike ride with a friend who’s looking to get a new bike and so wants to try out some different ones in the next while.Report
We’re going to my wife’s boyfriend’s family’s place for Saturday evening and all Sunday.
While I understand each of those words individually, as a sentence they don’t make sense.Report
Our relationship is polyamorous, or consensually nonmonogamous, or whatever you want to call it. I’ve been married to Fledermaus for 12 years, and she and Mr T have been dating for about 2.
Mr T’s family have been super welcoming and accepting of our entire family. It’s always been a pleasure to visit them.Report
Mr T’s family have been super welcoming and accepting of our entire family. It’s always been a pleasure to visit them.
Well considering that Mr T is getting the milk for free from your cow, I would hope so.
Do you date others as well?Report
I’ll thank you to use more considered language if you have any more questions. My wife is not my property, she is not livestock, and her affection is hers to bestow, not something to which I’ve purchased exclusive rights. Besides which, Mr. T is a member of our family, contributing to all of our wellbeing, happiness, and prosperity just as we try to contribute to his.
And yes, I also date other people.Report
@scarletnumbers – I want to make it clear, in case it’s not.
When you make these sorts of thinly-veiled insults to people who are being open about their personal lives, this is how I picture you.
I encourage everyone to do the same.
Maybe you intend to come across as funny or clever or as a teller of unvarnished truth.
But you’re just coming across as a jerk lacking couth.Report
I’ve made my opinions on this person clear. He is truly a wretched human being. Dead weight on the forum.
@dragonfrog — I’m poly also. Best choice my partner and I ever made.Report
Natasha and I are having another couple over for brunch on Sunday, something of a delicate political situation. We’d had a bit of a falling-out when mutual friends got divorced and they took one side and we were perceived as taking another (we thought we weren’t taking sides) and there was lots of drama and we said “We don’t want no drama” and withdrew from the situation completely. So now we’re trying to reconcile because, after all, just because our mutual friends got divorced shouldn’t mean that our friendship had to end. Other mutual friends have suggested that we deal with the situation according to The Guy Code, which is “Never speak of it again.”Report
Working all weekend, yes, all weekend. Even Monday.
If you go to the movies, think of me. I’ll be thinking of you.Report
Today I dyed my hair purple and I have family in town this weekend. So, yay!
Probably no dancing, however.Report
Purple hair and no dancing?
Well, I still hope you’ll party like it’s 1999.Report
@zic — I know, right!
Tomorrow, however, we’re dragging the niece and nephew to the lego store. So that will be fun.Report
HA. Did you see the dioramas of Infinite Jest built of lego by an 11-year? The builder didn’t read the book, he made them based on his dad’s descriptions of different scenes.Report
@zic — Just back, and no I didn’t notice that at all, but would rather have liked to.
(In the back of my mind I have this weird notion I’m going to read IJ again. But then I probably won’t.)Report
I’ll be out and about taking photographs. It’s become my favorite thing to do, lately.
I made a tumblr, just to share with you, with a few that I took today. Constructive criticism is welcome.
When I concentrate really hard visually, I’ve found that I don’t have as much tremor in my hands; there’s some interesting brain stuff going on.Report
I particularly liked the grasshopper. A simple photo, but the subject was so sharply-defined. Not quite sure how else to describe it. But I’ve enjoyed all your photo collections, and this is no exception.
If I were to offer constructive criticism, it’d be something about the broader angle focuses not really capturing the majesty or the beauty of the subject matter. But I can never do that myself — getting grandeur is a damn tall order for most cameras.Report
Thank you, @burt-likko
Grandeur is difficult; 28mm wide-angle bends the sides, so careful placement of side elements is necessary. The mountain peak in the center vs. trees at the edges helps here, I think, diminishing the bowl effect. I struggle with keeping things level, often find that in the effort to balance the photo visually, I tilt the camera without thinking.
The extreme zoom end of the camera; where the grasshopper resides, still astounds me. I’ve also grown to realize to really take use of this for insects, I’d have to auto-focus at the approximate distance, and manual focus on the bugs. They are very sensitive to the red light used by the focus mechanism, and it sends them scurrying.
All the images are unedited.
The funniest thing has been my google+ auto backup. Google goes through the photos and applies filters. I tend to shoot in bursts, journalist trick that helps avoid the closed-eye, so google’s auto-awesome tends to animate burst shots. Yesterday, I stumbled upon a whole page in the auto-awesome album of a friend dancing as she modeled some knitwear for me a couple of years ago. I wonder if, in matching the motion-animated cricket above, (you can see it here, if the comparison to all the other cricket pictures automated lay the seeds for digital sentience?Report
Continuing with a theme, today’s photos, though I’m planning to go out once more; looking for the setting moon, and may add a few more. Shot in b&w today; the display has no color; so it’s rather disconcerting.Report
Today, instead of random neighborhood photographs, I turned my gaze to the neighborhood eyesore, which just happens to be in my back yard: a now-unused grammar school. I shot it to capture the state of decay, and promoted this tumblr on my town’s team page on FB, where it’s stirred up quite a discussion about the buildings future or lack thereof. Bonus points to anyone who identifies Casa Zic.
Tomorrow, I’ll do a final post of shots from the day; early-morning trip planned to document a local farm’s (non-organic) daily harvest.
And that, in four tumbles, will be my Labor of Love for Labor Day Weekend.Report