Adding an Editor
Just a quick housekeeping note to let you all know that we are adding Burt to the editorial masthead.
What will this mean to you? Surprisingly little, since for all intents and purposes Burt has always looked after the site as if it were his own. In fact, I think I speak for everyone behind the scenes when I say Burt has long been an editor in everything but name. Consider this a long overdue housekeeping item.
Oh, and I am hereby officially declaring that because of this move we will now pay Burt twice what we paid him last year. Hell, let’s make it three times as much.
That is all.
Congrats all around!Report
Is he our general counsel?Report
Hooray Burt!Report
Grate two here.Report
Well done.Report
Excellent. Our legal bases are now covered.Report
The Burt Likko plan for world domination has advanced a notch today.
Speaking of which, I didn’t know the position came with a raise!
Next up, revenge against my enemies!
Seriously, thanks all, and I’m willing to bet nothing whatsoever changes at all.Report
Congrats Burt!Report
Seven editors and I get away with writing here!Report
Burt, it’s a dirty, thankless job, but somebody’s gotta do it. Thank you. (And Tod and Jason and Mark and Erik.)Report
I hope everyone attributes any future editing errors in my writing to Burt.Report