Daily Archive: February 19, 2009

Too cool…

Khoda from Reza Dolatabadi on Vimeo. via Andrew: 6,000 separate paintings … and one five minute animated video. It took a student artist two years to paint them all and produce this. Pause the...

Apple v. Microsoft

Cast your mind back, gentle reader, to the heady days of early 2002, when the original Xbox was released. I remember it well, not only because I was intrigued by the closing gap between...

Republican Hypocrites

Okay, a fun little photo album here, and more hypocritical acts of “dissent” here and here from Republican protestors who just realized that massive spending and the ensuing debt might just cause problems for...

islamism as political not religious ideology

(Image via Flickr-er markkilner, Creative Commons) — Ghaffar Hussain, former member of British Islamist group Hizb ut Tahrir interviewed by Der Spiegel (h/t Salon). Generally, what role does religious knowledge play in the process...

Killing Frankenstein’s Monster

Downblog, Chris puts together a fantastic post that quite well explains the ways in which modern liberalism and classical liberalism (ie, libertarianism) have a tremendous amount in common at the fundamental “first principles” level,...

Self-Identification, pluralism, and all that…

Okay.  So, after writing this and unintentionally sparking a number of reactions including a pretty good number of dissenting comments (good natured cries of “ignorance” and “ignoramous!”), a follow-up post, a few other responses...

A Time for Anger: Fisking the Times

Earlier, Freddie pointed to an excellent run-down of the various problems with the utterly thoughtless piece of legislation known as the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act.  No sooner did he post that than I...