Daily Archive: February 2, 2009

In defense of snark

I have to disagree with many of the recent responses to Freddie’s attack on Robert Stacy McCain, namely his use of snark and less than kind words on the subject of Palin-worship, the recent...

Casino Politics

In response to Freddie, Ross Douthat writes: The issue is the risk the Democrats are taking, period, by spending enormous sums that aren’t obviously justified by the current crisis, at the start of an...

Thomas Aquinas Meets The Flying Spaghetti Monster

As the League’s resident theological student, I have been a bit loathe to enter the atheism/spaghetti monster/god or no god (non)debate.  Perhaps the best comment (imo) came from James Williams  in the original thread...

Good show Cardinals…

I thought they put up a damn good fight, and it made for an incredibly intense Super Bowl.  Alas, my team could not quite pull it off tonight…still, we in Arizona are proud of...

eating my vegetables

So you should follow Scott’s lead and read Sonny Bunch here… I have been engaged in a little pissing contest with him in his comments section. I really shouldn’t. Look, obviously, I disagree with...