The Conservative Supreme Court Takes On The Right
We’ve heard a lot of complaints about the Supreme Court over the past few months. Some of these complaints have been justified. Others not so much.
We’ve heard a lot of complaints about the Supreme Court over the past few months. Some of these complaints have been justified. Others not so much.
He tore us to shreds. Smithereens. We enjoyed our reloading screen and did it again. “THAT is the Elden Ring I remember”, my buddy said.
To the extent that social media is a problem, it is because they amplify efforts to instill young people with a constant sense of dread.
The “little song” can be corrupted only so much.” So, a bit of liberty here or there, but don’t push it.
I’ll go out on a limb and predict that the winner of the debate will be Joe Biden among the Democrats and Donald Trump among the Republicans
Americans have a choice between a slow but happy grandpa or a malevolent, crazy uncle.
The Kingdom Heart games were *AMAZING*. And, more than two decades ago, just what we needed. Well, just what *I* needed, anyway.
As best I can tell, this is the entirety of an unfinished poem written between 1869 and 1886 by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
They put effort into the sets, they put effort into the dialog, they put effort into the casting…I’m shocked. Fallout the show is good.
Hunter’s guilty verdict won’t have much effect…People who place a great deal of importance on Hunter are already almost certainly voting for Trump.
Age limits for members of congress probably won’t change anytime soon. And we aren’t getting any younger.
The post-Constitution talk is borne of a desire to enact policy by authoritarian means that MAGA has not been able to enact through the ballot box or Congress.
Since 1989, The Simpsons has entertained us with pop culture moments. These are my ten favourite episodes featuring the yellow family.
The professional grifter class has added another stack to the media “misinformation” Matryoshka doll, and news media isn’t handling it well.
We should take it as a generational mission to rebel against rebellion for its own sake and eagerly embrace bourgeois, not bohemian, values.
So, the summer movie season has begun… With a whimper. I saw 14 in theaters, as well as nine otherwise, for a total of 23 reviews
I can’t imagine anything more irrational than, when assured of eternal damnation, acting to immanentize that fate.
Repeating the patterns of some past presidents, Joe Biden has suddenly found the authority to do what he said he couldn’t do before.
Take any franchise and make it “safe” for general audiences, which will inevitably lose the hardcore fans of said franchise.