Tagged: tea parties

Elite Being vs. Authentic Being

Charles Murray sees an insidious plot to seize control of America.  It’s the rise of a new ruling class, a societal coup d’etat: the rise of the “New Elite.”  They’re particularly sinister in that...

Fringe bipartisanship

Ben Smith points to the first real bipartisanship we’ve seen for quite some time: Bipartisanship is a rare thing in Washington, but the Senate just 96-0 to pass a bill to "Audit the Fed,"...

The Tea Party-Social Conservative Split

Tension between libertarian-leaning tea partiers and the GOP’s social conservative base was probably inevitable, but the most interesting part of the Politico’s story on a split within the movement is a disagreement over the...

Defending the tea parties, ctd.

A reader writes: Erik, as someone who lives in the Mighty Whitey Elite NY-DC Corridor, but who comes from Tea Party America, and who has lots of friends and relatives highly sympathetic to the...

Creating a New Establishment

Despite some quibbles with his characterization of the modern Left, I hope Dan Riehl is very much on the right track in arguing that the old movement conservative establishment is no longer capable of holding the...

Of tea parties and tyranny

There are many things wrong with what James is trying to say in this post.  I will try to tackle a few of them.  The meat of the post, which is also the part...

A united progressive/tea-party front

I can see where Jane Hamsher’s tea-party/populist left united front thing could seem appealing as a movement against something (the no-good politicians in Congress and their corporate special-interest shenanigans).  


A lot of the reaction to my conservapedia piece falls along the lines that you would expect – essentially that I’m painting with too broad a brush.  I probably was in that post.  Obviously...

Connecting to the base ctd.

Mark says it all too well: Conservative wonks simply aren’t doing their jobs.  What they are doing is picking apart liberal proposals, picking apart conservative proposals, attacking the low-hanging fruit of conservative extremism, and occasionally...

It usually begins with Ayn Rand

Jonathan Chait’s essay on Ayn Rand is worth a read. Given the rise of the tea party movement, his basic point – that Rand’s influence has led to an over-emphasis on a morally absolutist...

Glenn Beck and the Red Knight

“I told you about these people.  They only mate with their own kind.   It’s yuppie inbreeding.  That’s why they’re retarded and wear the same clothes.  They don’t feel love.  They only negotiate love moments. ...

Creating Apathy by Fighting Apathy

Scott (and, by implication, Freddie) has put together a challenging retort to my arguments that most large-scale political protests are inevitably undermined by the unpreventable introduction of irrelevant issues into the protest and are thus...