Tagged: school choice


Ordinary World: Education

Your Ordinary World for 19 Nov 2018 with Education links from Scott J. Davies covering everything from education, learning, school choice, social and emotional learning, higher ed enrollment, and more. Read, share, and discuss.

School Choice and Single Payer

(This post originally appeared at Forbes. I’m posting it here partly because I think it’s a consistent position to support both single-payer healthcare – something many progressives advocate – and single-payer education – something...

The War on the Poor

I had trouble reading Radley Balko’s article on the saga of Cory Maye. I picture this young man in his quiet home with his 18-month-old daughter asleep in the other room and I immediately...

Radically rethinking education

Stumbled on this video at James Joyner’s digs, and both the lecture and the animation are quite extraordinary. I was nodding along throughout. We do need to go in the exact opposite direction than...

Against education subsidies

Kyle writes: [F]or decades, we’ve allowed students in need to get federally subsidized loans to attend both public and private colleges and universities. Some states, even provide scholarships and grants that can be used...

School choice is local, too

Rick Hess makes a great deal of sense in his critique of Diane Ravitch (and this bit echoes what Mark Thompson has pushed in the comments, arguments I also find compelling): A lack of...

Schools and accountability

[updated] Here’s the part that gets me – if, as is assumed in this critique (an assumption I largely agree with by the way) that it is not possible to adequately measure performance via...

Diane Ravitch on the Diane Rehm Show

By chance, I happened to be driving and listening to NPR today when Diane Ravitch had a guest slot on the Diane Rehm show.  I only caught parts of the program, but what I...

Further thoughts on school choice and community

Lots of interesting feedback on my last post.  Kevin Drum and Ryan Avent  both focus on the notion that the sort of choice Bramwell describes is only available to higher-income families, leaving poor Americans...

Merit Pay and Teacher Autonomy

Picking up the merit pay ball from Will for a moment, let’s hash out a few competing ideas. First of all, I think just about everyone agrees on two fundamentals: teachers are probably paid...

A National Curriculum

by Mike at the Big Stick I am a conservative, so many of my views on education are, well, conservative. But I’ve also been involved with public education for a long time through my...

Understanding Markets

E.D. thinks that market economics don’t apply to education.  Chris disagrees, but thinks that market economics ultimately are about controlling people and inevitably creates – specifically in the realm of education – a form...

Misunderstanding Markets cntd.

“[T]he folks at Harvard, Columbia, and Yale, are held accountable by … whom, exactly? Oh, that’s right: they’re accountable to their customers, who by virtue of their participation in a market that – ideally,...