Tagged: Rand Paul

Just Not Fringe Enough

The “libertarian moment” appears to be ending ironically – with some libertarians endorsing the closest thing to a fascist American politics has had for some time.

Rand Paul: Not Aristotle

There’s something about being a willfully marginal player in the political sphere that induces whininess. Or at least that’s the conclusion I can’t help but come to after reading the libertarian-ish Conor Friedersdorf’s epic...

This Is Why the GOP Can’t Have Nice Things

Maybe Georgia Republicans were right after all; maybe Obama really does a Marvel-comics-like mind control ray. How else does one explain the obliviously self-destructive actions of Rand Paul and the entire right-wing media machine...

Rand Paul, Victim

Note: My thoughts and fervent best wishes go out to everyone in Boston. At this early juncture I feel that’s all that can be responsibly said. As Ta-Nehisi Coates notes, this report should put to rest any...

Outreach, Rand Paul Style

I’ve been thinking lately about Rand Paul’s recent attempt at what is called minority outreach at Howard University, “the historically black college” (apparently the mandatory phrasing). I’ve been thinking about what, exactly, Paul did...