Beyond Unions
Recently we had the Labor Roundtable and much interesting discussion on the nature and necessity of organized labor in America ensued. I’ve cooled on the idea of unions lately, at least in their current...
Recently we had the Labor Roundtable and much interesting discussion on the nature and necessity of organized labor in America ensued. I’ve cooled on the idea of unions lately, at least in their current...
Over at Forbes I respond to these two excellent pieces by Adam Ozemik by channeling Kevin Carson, Will Wilkinson, and Timothy Carney. If you’d like, you could even stop over and say hello in...
by Tim Kowal The left’s alignment with unions is more than merely political—it is ideological. The major justification for continued existence of unions, particularly public sector unions, borrows heavily from a liberal conception of...
Mike Konczal has an excellent post up on the three-pronged approach Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is taking in his stealth budget. In fact, he’s charted the whole thing out: The assault on unions is...
by Erik Vanderhoff I’ve been chewing on this for quite some time now as I’ve watched the reactions of various pundits and thinkers to the growing battle over public servants and what, if any,...
by Kevin Carson [Editors note: This is the first post in a series – or ‘roundtable’ – on the rise and fall of organized labor in America. Other guest authors will be posting, and...
I don’t agree with Andrew Sullivan on the issue of public sector unions at all but at least this post is a good deal more measured than many of his recent efforts. It’s also revealing...
This is going to be purposefully short. I want a discussion on this more than anything, as my thoughts are still very much forming. Does a revived labor movement require protectionist policies, increasing tariffs,...
“The other weird thing about this post is that you link to an article outlining an absolutely disastrous public sector pension crisis without refuting any of the particulars. So we’re stuck with this massive...
In recent weeks I’ve begun pretty seriously rethinking my positions on organized labor and especially public sector unions (more on this in some upcoming posts) and I think there is a compelling case to...
There’s a lot of interesting stuff in this Nation article on the Progressive split over China policy, but Labor’s belligerent tone is pretty striking: AAM’s Paul expressed grave concern about China’s efforts to enhance...