Tagged: logic
On Ad Hominems Part 2: Getting Personal With Parameters
Guidelines for thinking about using ad hominem arguments.
On Ad Hominems Part 1: The Messy World
Ad hominems probably aren’t valid. But we can’t get away from them, and we’ll have to learn how to deal with them.
Comment Rescue: Cultural Merits of Abortion
I’ve never done this before — promoted my own comment, that is. But I think I got a pretty decent thought out there.
The Highest Profile Legal Writing Clinic Ever
The legal writing in Obergefell v. Hodges is both a model and a caution for future writers, especially those who, like lawyers, would write to persuade.
Many of You Are Going to Hell
Scripture and Tradition both indicate that few are saved and many are damned. Should Christians assent to this doctrine?
Finally, the fried chicken proof you’ve been searching for
Russell, my co-blogger over at Blinded Trials, and I text each other…rather frequently. Since we’ve been doing our sub-blog (which is a total blast!), a continual source of texting delight for us is the search terms that people...