Free-Range Organic Visual Arts
How the rise of “Amazon Art” and CSAs for local artists extends earlier business models—and how each needs the other to succeed.
How the rise of “Amazon Art” and CSAs for local artists extends earlier business models—and how each needs the other to succeed.
I don’t hesitate to say that damage or destruction of the land-community is morally wrong, just as [Aldo] Leopold did not hesitate to say so when he was composing his essay, “The Land Ethic,”...
Rod Dreher is going home, back to the South, back to St. Francisville – a town he left at sixteen. His musings on that departure and eventual return are worth the read: When you...
Here’s BlaiseP in a post-worthy comment: Traditions aren’t dying out… says the man who just bought a new Online calligraphy pen. Harking back to Sam Smith’s ur-screed, bemoaning the Liberal instinct to concentrate and...
Well, here’s a horrific story. After defying a school district to send her kids to a better school, a single mother faces jail time for “defrauding” the county (via): ”The state would not move,...
‘Beyond the Wild Wood comes the Wide World,’ said the Rat. ‘And that’s something that doesn’t matter, either to you or me. I’ve never been there, and I’m never going, nor you either, if...
Writing a post that doesn’t quite compute is one of the perils of blogging, so let me expand upon a point I was trying to make here. I once heard someone (a cursory Google...
This video – via Radley Balko’s digs – is a good illustration of the many job-destroying, prosperity-hampering, mind-boggling regulations that various local governments have in place which make it harder for you and me...
“In some ways, the ‘night watchman’ state — the state that enables civil society to develop and function without distortions imposed by roving bandits, local notables, and its own functionaries, but that also is...
There’s a lot of good stuff in Jesse Walker’s review of Radical: A Portrait of Saul Alinsky, but here’s my favorite bit: In the early ’60s, the book reveals, Barry Goldwater contacted Alinsky and...
“There might be a compromise here.” ~ Jason, earlier today I think it depends on the ‘localist/artisanist/do-it-yourself’ individual, obviously, but I think many would certainly like Make magazine. I hadn’t heard of it before,...
A question for the localist/artisanist/do-it-yourself contingent: How do you feel about Make magazine? Do you know it? Love it? Proudly subscribe, as I do? Or do you mistrust it as inauthentic and non-traditional? I’m...
Last week, Erik and I had a fun discussion about the role of geography in shaping one’s political opinions, what this means for Erik’s arguments for competitive federalism and localism, and the way in...
“In short, the democratic faith is this: that the most terribly important things must be left to ordinary men themselves — the mating of the sexes, the rearing of the young, the laws of...
David – I wonder if what Blond is trying to do is to bridge the divide between the modern liberal state and the sort of Aristotelian or anti-modern philosophy of MacIntyre or the radical...
Whatever else one thinks of how we live these days, it’s hard to not see it as temporary, historically anomalous, a peculiar blip in human experience. I’ve spent my whole life riding around in...
“I don’t want to say that liberaltarianism is dead. But is it endangered? Sure. It deserves to be.” ~ Jason Kuznicki I think the hopes placed in the Obama administration by libertarians have been...
Will asks a few good questions about markets and economies of scale, to which Kevin Carson (among others) provides some very good answers from his own unique, mutualist perspective. Will asks, “are localism and...
A day or two ago, I offhandedly endorsed an article from Jagdish Bhagwati on the continued relevance of global free trade. This provoked a few heated responses from Kevin Carson, who has long argued...
“I have this crazy notion that there is a point where Red Toryism and the kind of libertarian ideas E.D. is promoting could work together.” ~ Chris Dierkes I suppose I’m either hopelessly conflicted...