Linky Friday: The Content of Our Discontent
Some of the news that is fit to link and discuss in the Ordinary Times Friday tradition of ending the week with the content of our discontent
Some of the news that is fit to link and discuss in the Ordinary Times Friday tradition of ending the week with the content of our discontent
The Ordinary Times tradition of bringing you stories & writing from around the world and across the web, Linky Friday for you to read, share, & discuss
Linky Friday is the long-running tradition of Ordinary Times bringing you POVs from across the web and around the world.
The Ordinary Times tradition of ending the week discussing issues from across the web and around the world, plus the week that was at OT
The Ordinary Times tradition of bringing you stories and viewpoints from across the web and around the world to read, share, and discuss.
Linky Friday is the tradition of bringing you stories from across the internet plus the week that was at Ordinary Times
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times’ tradition of bringing you stories to read, share, and discuss from all across the interwebs is here to help you navigate Black Friday
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times’ end-of-week tradition of bringing you links from across the web and around the world. This week, A Bit of History with stories, photos, videos, music, and more for you to read, share, and discuss.
Linky Friday: categories this week are sports and culture, art and nature, economics and politics, and war and peace.
It’s Linky Friday and now you have a way to malinger productivity while reading random links embedded in wry comments that are only funny after you read the articles!
Burt Likko fills in for Will Truman for this week’s aggregation of dozens of links to themed web randomness!
In Linky Friday #29, Will highlights a recent column in The Atlantic by Hugo Scwhyzer that asked, “What If Men Stopped Chasing Much-Younger Women?” His argument, that the Old Man/Young Woman relationship dynamic intrinsically harms...