And Then Glenn Greenwald’s Partner was Detained
The most recent development in the ongoing public debate about the U.S. and allied governments’ surveillance programs.
The most recent development in the ongoing public debate about the U.S. and allied governments’ surveillance programs.
(The middle section of this post is a thorough re-statement and critique of David Simon’s argument that their are few “legitimate” concerns that can be raised regarding the NSA’s collection of metadata and web...
This Nation piece is a ludicrous exercise in silly partisanship. Mark Ames and Yasha Levine go to great length to show just how all this crazy outrage over TSA agents groping people – including...
Except that I do not think the Juan Williams Incident qualifies as outright bigotry, I do agree with Greenwald on this point: The double standard in our political discourse — which tolerates and even...
This controversy has eaten up my whole day, so I won’t spend much more time on it. Glenn Greenwald has some thoughts up at his blog that I very much disagree with even though...
I’ve not got a whole heck of a lot to add to this very good paragraph from Glenn Greenwald on the whole hubbub over the propriety of the Obama Administration’s entirely speculative suggestions (with...
I’ve been out of the loop a bit these past couple weeks, helping out peripherally on a local primary race, and afterward just needing a few days to kind of process some thoughts without...
[UPDATED BELOW THE FOLD] The Big Story yesterday and, to a lesser extent, today was the arrest of two legal Yemeni immigrants on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack. The pair, one of whom...
Via Jonathan Chait, the other other Jonathan* – Jonathan Bernstein, not Jonathan Cohn – has a handy rebuttal to this Greenwald post. Greenwald, whose admirable passion may have gotten ahead of his political science...
“Reformers should be focusing on lifting limits on the flow of money from parties to candidates and restoring the role of the parties as the funders of campaigns. Instead of Candidate Smith asking Donor...
Jane Hamsher has been taking a lot of flak in recent days for coming out against the Senate health care reform bill as well as for suggesting that “both the [progressive opponents] and the...