A Meathead Watches Gilmore Girls (“Hammers and Veils”)
In tonight’s episode, Lorelai actually tries to emotionally murder Luke, and would have succeeded if not for…oh, no, wait a minute, she definitely succeeded.
In tonight’s episode, Lorelai actually tries to emotionally murder Luke, and would have succeeded if not for…oh, no, wait a minute, she definitely succeeded.
Damn those moments that make this show so good, especially when there are so many that don’t.
Notes *I’m making a face like I just ate 57 lemons* “Love, Daisies, and Troubadors” I should have known something awful was coming when I was talking to one of the people who most...
Notes Dear god. “Emily In Wonderland” Rachel – the woman who has repeatedly wooed Luke and then fled from him, breaking his heart – and Luke appear to be settling down, because exposition is...
Notes Something finally happens that really helped the show. Also, I try to figure out how to use a very inappropriate word without actually using a very inappropriate word. “The Breakup, Part 2: Electric...
Notes The first season hasn’t been going as well as I’d hoped. I keep thinking things are going to get better but… “Christopher Returns” Although he has barely been mentioned, Rory’s father Christopher returned...
Notes Remember that last review, when I got super – and perhaps unreasonably – pissed about Lorelai’s treatment of Sookie? I’m about to do that again. “Concert Interruptus” Sookie cooked a beautiful meal for...
Notes I have a supportive wife and supportive friends. They had all encouraged me to give Gilmore girls a serious shot, something I finally did when the show came to Netflix. So when I was finished...
Notes I was asked already if I’m even enjoying doing this. Through eight episode’s worth of reviews, it is apparently becoming clear to at least some readers that this might not be my favorite...
Notes One of these two episodes is enough to make me absolutely lose my mind. But which one? Will be it the story of Rory’s first kiss? Or will it be Lorelai’s absolutely insane...
Notes I should probably be titling things Gilmore girls since that’s the show’s official title, but I hate how it looks in the header. That lower case “g” is, frankly, maddening. “Cinnamon’s Wake” Get it? Like...
Notes I am absolutely floored by the response to the first post, which has been simultaneously energetic and incredibly weird. I don’t assume that this will continue but it is fun while it lasts....
At the very outset, I must acknowledge the following: many of the women in my life consider Gilmore Girls to be among the greatest television shows ever created. These women – including my wife and...