Tagged: Financial Crisis

Who Occupies the Occupiers?

I’m glad Mike Drew wrote a guest post. Mike’s comments are consistently the ones I meditate over most (which explains why I rarely respond to them while the thread is still active.), and Mike’s...


John Carney has some interesting commentary on the first day of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearings.  He writes: A structured credit product—whether its as simple as a mortgage backed security or a complex...

Soft bigotry, meet low expectations

After I read Ross Douthat’s column this morning, I tweeted that I was nominally on board with his attempt to massage George W. Bush’s reputation. Three hours, two cups of coffee, and a nice...

Growth vs/equal to Prosperity?

Will Wilkinson reprints the response of John Cochrane to the Brad DeLong-Luigi Zingales debate at the Economist.  [The whole debate is very much worth the read]. Cochrane begins: Nobody is Keynesian now, really. Keynes...

Dear Abby

Jack Gillis proves that sometimes less is more: Dear Abby: I’ve been in a long-term relationship with Benry. Bank cheated on me back in the 1930s but I put my foot down at the...

Economic Crisis

This post grows out of some discussion Freddie and I have participated in over at The Confabulum  re: Conor’s post about potential bank nationalization. Bank nationalization,were it to occur, would undoubtedly be the result...