Tagged: finance
How To Pay For It
I’m against Medicare for All but I understand that many people are for it. There are various arguments in favor. But paying for it will not be easy. And supporters had best stop trying to pretend that it is.
This American Life, Carmen Segarra, and the Federal Reserve Bank: an Episode TBTF?
Zic listens to secret recordings made by Federal Reserve regulator Carmen Segerra, and finds herself with more questions than answers.
Regulating the Crash
There was some very smart discussion in my Keynes vs. Hayek thread about the crash and whether or not previous efforts to deregulate the financial industry led to the 2008 crash. So my question...
Evil Rorty, loan sharks, and Bastiat’s Broken Window
Mike Konczal (aka Rortybomb) has a really fascinating thought experiment over at his blog wherein, a la Star Trek (and later Southpark) he transforms into “Evil Rorty” in order to make a point about the...
Geithner’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Bank Plan
This is my third financial/economic/treasury round-up. I am not an expert in these matters so what I’ve been trying to do is bring some expert voices to the League in order to better flesh...