Tagged: Drug War

The Post-Drug War World

In what I think is an overly-pessimistic take on the United States after the War on Drugs, Walter Russell Mead makes a pretty interesting point about a possible shift from legal repercussions to private...

De-Prioritizing Drug Law Enforcement

The disturbing video of the puppycide SWAT raid in Missouri has, not surprisingly, generated a lot of discussion in short order.  One of the things I argued in my original post was that the...

Legalize It!

The perverse nature of our ‘War’ on Drugs was never more evident than in this Wall Street Journal article. A few choice quotes:


Jon Krolik of the aptly-titled “Cavs: The Blog” has a fun entry (complete with visuals!) on the recent revelation that LeBron James did in fact smoke pot in high school. Which is weird, because...

Gone to Pot

I had planned to kick things off with a sweeping introductory post, but it seems William Brafford has already taken care of the intellectual heavy-lifting. For now, the essentials of my biography can be...

Meet the New (Drug) Boss, Same as the Old One?

Fellow L.O.G.(ger?) ED’s post on drug legalization is exremely sharp from my vantage point.  He suggests legalizing pot (agreed), generally not taking the approach of viewing users as criminals (agreed again), but questions the...