Tagged: conservative movement

Another response to Conor

[moved to an earlier time, off the sidebar, yada yada yada…] “Perhaps we’re getting at what puzzles and galls me so much about recent posts at The League of Ordinary Gentlemen about how dissident...

Connecting to the base ctd.

Mark says it all too well: Conservative wonks simply aren’t doing their jobs.  What they are doing is picking apart liberal proposals, picking apart conservative proposals, attacking the low-hanging fruit of conservative extremism, and occasionally...

Obama Youth

Michelle Bachmann isn’t really all that crazy.  She’s just finding a better way – a more purified way – to voice what the conservative movement has been saying all along.

Oh give me…

…a break people.  Will you stop at nothing?  Have we already forgotten the close, close relationship between the Bush family and the House of Saud?  Yes, Allahpundit mentions the hand-holding Bush and his Saudi...