Tagged: civil liberties

Cato Unbound: The Digital Surveillance State

This month’s Cato Unbound features Glenn Greenwald on “The Digital Surveillance State.” He makes the case that it’s too big, too invasive, and too unwieldy to deliver on its promise of security. Rather than...

Cops are never wrong

So, interesting reaction to my last post. It turns out – and I did not know this – it turns out that the police are never wrong.  Ever. It also turns out that if...

Perception vs. Reality

Via E.D.’s True/slant blog, I agree that Conor Friedersdorf did yeoman’s work on this piece demonstrating the wide difference between what movement conservatives think the ACLU does and what the ACLU actually does.  I...

How to Solve Nothing

I’m not going to pretend that this bill proposed by my Senacritter, which would prohibit carrying a firearm in an airport outside of a screening area, represents some sort of apocalyptic infringement on Second...

De-Prioritizing Drug Law Enforcement

The disturbing video of the puppycide SWAT raid in Missouri has, not surprisingly, generated a lot of discussion in short order.  One of the things I argued in my original post was that the...


(UPDATED) Steve Benen and John Cole offer complementary takes on the complaints of John McCain and Peter King that the apparent Times Square “Generation Veal” attempted bomber should not have been informed of his...

“There Is No Arizona”*

I’m a committed believer in open borders and, failing that, of a robust guest worker program and something in the neighborhood of absolute amnesty for illegal immigrants.  Moreover, I’ve got no real affinity for...

oldsmar water plant hack

We Are All Enemy Belligerents Now

I’d just like to agree publicly with every last word of this piece by Glenn Greenwald: [T]he bill recently introduced by Joe Lieberman and John McCain — the so-called “Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention and...

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Martyr

Some of the coverage from National Review and The Washington Times really has to be read to be believed. A guy whose career highlights include chaining a pregnant woman to a bed and filing...