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- Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:34:27 +0000: Comment on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025 by InMD - Comments for Ordinary Times
In reply to <a href="">Jaybird</a>. I read an article on this the other day. Democrats were still very competitive with young women, it's young men where they got killed. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but on the whole I believe young men are less gung ho on gun control. - Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:25:10 +0000: Comment on Open Mic for the week of 1/27/2025 by InMD - Comments for Ordinary Times
In reply to <a href="">DavidTC</a>. Hey I'm just glad we've finally established that you understand physical reality, as opposed to a bunch of cultural contingencies and language games. But here's the part all the words in the world won't get around. At the end of the day, a person calling herself a 'trans man' as you defined that concept is really just a woman who pretends to the social conventions of a man, and may have had some cosmetic surgeries and/or hormonal treatments in hopes of changing her body to better resemble the secondary sex characteristics of a man. If she has had surgeries and/or hormonal treatments she may have harmed her reproductive system to the point pregnancy is not possible, and while I think an adult has the right to do that stuff if they want, she's still a woman. Again, not really hard. As an aside I'll also reiterate, no such thing as a 'cis' so please stop with that. - Wed, 05 Feb 2025 05:29:29 +0000: Comment on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025 by Jaybird - Comments for Ordinary Times
In reply to <a href="">DavidTC</a>. I think that the disaffected young people who have run over to the right could not possibly give so much as a tinker's cuss about gun control and the lack of progress there. - Wed, 05 Feb 2025 04:31:48 +0000: Comment on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025 by DavidTC - Comments for Ordinary Times
In reply to <a href="">Jaybird</a>. I don't actually understand what you mean by that. - Wed, 05 Feb 2025 04:24:41 +0000: Comment on Open Mic for the week of 2/3/2025 by DavidTC - Comments for Ordinary Times
In reply to <a href="">Dark Matter</a>. I honestly think a lot of this discussion is completely ignoring how soft power works. Do you know what the $100 billion over 20 years spent on PEPFAR bought the US? An incredibly amount of goodwill. And almost all that money goes _back_ to the US. We pay Americans to do it, we buy drugs from American countries to distribute, and, yes, we also use all that to spy on everyone. For $5 billion a year. And this is on top of the actual good it does. Because diseases running rampant elsewhere in the world is actually bad for Americans. Cause, um, diseases do not understand borders. But even pretending the good doesn't exist, $5 billion a year (Which, again, goes back to us) just for this level of good will and access is not actually bad. Arguing 'There are some places it should cut back in' is reasonable...and is a thing it already does. This is why we have an _agency_ to manage this crap. It doesn't just keep funding things in places that don't need it. And isn't actually what's being argued anyway. Maybe we should stop iron-manning the arguments that Trump's government _could_ be making against _small parts_ of PEPFAR, (we guess, we don't know and have no facts, we just sorta _feel_ parts of it must be ineffiecence), but he didn't make those arguments! He is trying to dismantle literally the entire USAID. We aren't living in a hypothetical universe where someone is making reasoned and logical cuts to services. We're living in a universe where a bunch of techbros just cut outgoing payments to people and try to dismantle everything. We don't need to talk about what cuts we sorta guess that it might be possible to be made without causing much damage.