Category: Weekend
Weekend Plans Post: Lines that Go Unexpectedly Hard
I noted this particular exchange with Maribou who told me “that sounds like Beckett.”
Weekend Plans Post: School’s Out
I don’t know about you but I always preferred “I’m Eighteen” over “School’s Out”.
Weekend Plans Post: The Last Cherry Pie Until Autumn
The time has come to stop eating hot desserts and to start eating cold ones.
Weekend Plans Post: The Thunderstorm
Lileks said something to the effect of “A good thunderstorm should sound like Beethoven after a couple glasses of wine.”
Weekend Plans Post: Spring has Sprung
It’s time to put away the winter stuff and bring out the summer stuff.
Weekend Plans Post: Whiplash
“We were driving around with the windows down on Tuesday!”, I yelled, as we drove slowly through an inch of snow.
Weekend Plans Post: Nothing Is Happening
As nice as it is to do something, it’s kinda nice to do nothing.
Weekend Plans Post: The Belated Birthday Party
One of my buddies turned 40 four or five months ago. We’re celebrating this weekend.