Author: Will


Paul Bettany’s best role to date was as a 19th century naturalist. Now he’s playing Charles Darwin in Creation, which can’t find a US distributor because – wait for it – the Theory of...


After eight years, the best sentiment remains the one immortalized by a classmate’s homemade t-shirt the day after the attacks: “Fuck Terrorism.”

Point of Order

An unanticipated side-effect of Joe Wilson’s outburst has been a pretty interesting discussion of parliamentary procedure, both at home and abroad. Congress Matters explains the relevant Senate rules and Andrew Sullivan compares Wilson’s interjection...

Birthers vs. Truthers

Jonah Goldberg lands some solid blows against the Left’s knee-jerk defense of Van Jones here, but contrasting the travails of our dearly-departed green jobs czar with the conservative establishment’s response to the “Birther” movement...

Merit Pay, continued

Stepping back from the weeds of the merit pay debate, it’s kind of amazing to survey the arguments against compensating teachers based on performance and realize that this stuff literally wouldn’t fly in any...

A decent interval

The uncanny resemblance between his latest offering and Ross Douthat’s New York Times column from a few weeks back should (finally) put to rest any notion that New Gingrich is a font of original...

McDonnell’s thesis

A friend pointed out that a lot of the discomfort surrounding McDonnell’s thesis comes from its arcane terminology – words like “fornicator” and “homosexual” are less common nowadays and suggest some distasteful religious overtones....

Let’s Review

Attorney General Eric Holder has announced a preliminary investigation into abusive interrogation tactics. This investigation was recommended by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility. The scope of the investigation is limited to people...