The Cheap-Ass Gourmet Cooking School: Introduction [Updated]
In which we take a peek at an upcoming series that will teach the seven cooking skills you need to know in order to make great, healthy food on a budget.
In which we take a peek at an upcoming series that will teach the seven cooking skills you need to know in order to make great, healthy food on a budget.
Sometimes people suck.
… about software, and it just occurred to me that this might be a great place to ask for it. Do any of you use a task-management software that you might recommend (or caution...
The left isn’t where the right is today, but more and more they appear to be starting down the same path the right unwisely chose twenty years ago. Tod Kelly sets the table for an upcoming short series. BSDI knee-jerkers, start your engines!
I’m still working on my post discussing my concerns that the left is needlessly starting down the road that’s made the right such a fishing joke. It should be up this week. But since...
What do chefs in French restaurants do with their roast chickens that you don’t? A cheap, easy and delicious addition to a roast chicken dinner that kitchen staffs hoard for themselves.
Because just making two quick points seemed somehow lazy, and making four quick points felt like overkill.
Common wisdom says the far-Left and far-Right are growing ever further apart, but in reality they are already finding ways in which they work best together.
Because people who “don’t care” if you’re gay don’t usually make laws making it illegal for your employer to keep you on.
Tim’s post on Eric Holder reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to ask y’all. Over the past two weeks I have heard a new talking point repeated on all the talk radio stations,...
Or, to be more exact, the end of the Love Symposium. Gratitude, teasers, and Madeleine Peyroux after the jump. You should also consider it an open thread.
For those looking for a panacea to all of the goodwill generated by the current Love Symposium, here’s a quick off-the-top-of-my-head theory that should allow people to revel in a little fun dose of Tod-hating.
Why is Jane Austen so popular with modern, feminist women? A serious question for OT’s women, feminists, fans of early 19th-century literature, or anyone else, really.
No, liberals, John Boeher didn’t “cave” by refusing to needlessly send the country hurtling toward another government shut down. He did his freaking job, just like you’ve been asking him to do for the past six years.
Ordinary Times latest symposium will be on the topic of love, and it begins — when else? — this Friday, February 14th.
My guess is that most people, at most, can identify only one of the men pictured — John Elway. The other is the most Seahawksiest Seahawk ever. Talk about the Seahawks, the Broncos, the game itself, the commercials, or things that have nothing to do with football or parties in the open thread.