Free Political Advice
I’m watching the debate tonight and I’m thinking two things. The first thing is, whichever color hat I put on, I think the guy on my team did okay. If I take off both...
I’m watching the debate tonight and I’m thinking two things. The first thing is, whichever color hat I put on, I think the guy on my team did okay. If I take off both...
Over at Koz’s guest post, there was an exchange regarding people who poll businessmen and the questions they ask. Tom quoted a Washington Examiner piece: Because “President Obama’s Executive Branch and regulatory policies have...
The Tea Party’s page on Facebook is taking issue with an Obama campaign ad. The comments thread is not what I’d call awesome. I will offer three rejoinders. (edited to add) Trizzlor wins the...
From Gawker, via Facebook… I can’t recall seeing a better campaign ad, ever, and I didn’t even watch The West Wing.
Now, of course, like all stories this is a story that may or may not reflect the reality. Seriously, though, if there’s any truth to this… it’s the sort of thing that makes me...
Ya’ll remember Caine’s Arcade, yes? The Internet is still awesome. Important to remember after the last week.
Doing it right. Still needs work. Note: the first draws from data collected by the back end that supports the second, so it’s not exactly a completely fair comparison. Still… hire better UI guys,...
There are worse things in life than spending a Friday night playing poker with a guy who distributes beer & wine for a living. Delirium Tremens, is what I’m saying. Even when you lose,...
Imagine license plates existed starting in 1765. The post image means something, yes? If you’re John Adams and you’re trotting down the road on the way to drop off a letter to The Boston...
I thought there would be more of a use for this post, but as Mike points out this is contributing to a conversation that isn’t really happening at the moment. However, I had an...
But, that being said, there is something monumentally more stupid that zero tolerance policies, and that’s having one, and then not following it.
DirecTV and Viacom have taken their contract dispute to the death cage. DirecTV’s 20 million satellite TV subscribers have lost 17 channels produced by Viacom in a dispute about the fees paid to broadcast...
Most of you now have a pretty good idea of how I write, and what that implies for how the command center up top o’ my noggin operates. This is an example of why...
Back in 2004, NPR reported a story of an inventor, by the name of Steven Glass, who had spent the previous four years trying to get various circular saw manufacturers to put safety devices...
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on inequality. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, click...