Welfare Queens Double Down on Mistake, Refuse Responsibility
…I am of course referring to the NFL’s ownership. So long as fans keep tuning in, all their complaints are gonna be for naught.
…I am of course referring to the NFL’s ownership. So long as fans keep tuning in, all their complaints are gonna be for naught.
If Eamonn Fingleton wrote about Israel his media presence would be reduced to the occasional Alex Jones show spot and approving links to his blog by Stormfront posters. Instead he writes about Japan and China...
And getting people out of neighborhoods where it collects seems to be a cure. Interesting to note that the study actually didn’t support the thesis that environmental conditions would improve things like income or...
..and by this I don’t mean the Arab ones in the Middle East. Rather, I’m going to take a moment today to look at the string of protests/riots going on in China.
In our rush to discuss the political ramifications or the national security issues of the Benghazi attacks, it’s easy to forget the people on the ground. In particular the death in the line of...
I found this to be an interesting take on the Clint Eastwood convention speech fiasco. I promised, for the most part that I would stay off politics for this weekend, for my own sanity....
CBPP’s “Off the Charts” blog has a helpful round-up of Paul Ryan’s budget plan. (The one that beltway “sages’ seem to think is “brave” or whatever nonsensical crap they like to talk about). Contrast...
…RIP Neil Armstrong. The tragedy of the day is that more people are skeptical of his achievements today, than they were when he achieved them 43 years ago….
Fear of a Black President Just read the whole thing. It’s one of the most cogent, nuanced takes on the subject I’ve seen. TNC has raised the bar again, and all I can do...
Including the wingnuts. Evidently the string of recent craziness left those of us in the Lone Star State feeling underwhelmed by our crop of crazies. Well, no longer!
Garance Franke-Ruta does an excellent job at The Atlantic of chronicling the context of the phrase “Legitimate Rape”, highlighting that more than an unfortunate verbal gaffe, it has a substantial history of being used as...
The insurance industry has a tendency to make itself unsympathetic. There is of course the case of the Aetna student health plan holder who had to resort to twitter to get the company to...
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Democracy. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, click here. Precis: Liberal...
So I believe brother Pat made the call out a few months ago about BACON… Well I was told today by a friend who works at CERN that he witnessed said BACON group inside...
…yes, it’s me again, dear readers. With the 28th rapidly coming up this is just my final bump. Many of you have given already. More have given feedback. All of it is appreciated and...
So a few days after posting up my big pitch, I’m having a bit of trouble getting the word out further. I’ve tried sending out several waves of emails to bloggers and friends, hoping...
Dear Readers, Some of you may know that over the last year or so, I’ve been struggling with finding funding sources to finish my graduate degree. In the end, I’ve decided to make a...
So says our intrepid scientists at CERN. At some point I’ll have a guest post regarding the Higgs by a PhD candidate who works there. In the mean time, consider this an open physics/science...