Author: Nob Akimoto

Drunk Driving and SXSW…

A neat little David Carr piece about my grad school friend Conor Kenny’s experience at the Mohawk Incident a couple days ago. REMINDER: If you’re going to drink, don’t fucking drive.

Brosplaining Russian Anti-Gay Oppression.

I’m not out to start an intra-blog war. Kazzy isn’t the first one to suggest that the anti-Sochi protests are simply another reclassification of anti-Russia bias. There’s pieces such as the one by Peter Lavelle noting...

A Shintoist’s Guide to the Yasukuni Controversy

After Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit in December, Yasukuni Shrine is once again a focus of international controversy. As the League’s only practicing Shinto, I have decided to put together a short primer on the...

A Fascinating Document.

The White House has released its new “Report and Recommendations of The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies” today.

So on an odd vein…

…if employers reducing costs by cutting labor costs ala Walmart is laudable, does that make Costco the world’s greatest monster?


So evidently Edward Snowden sought asylum in a country that’s been doing this stuff. Do we want to take bets on whether or not the contents of his data were used to help beef...

Can the Rest of the World Ignore Congress?

A point of breathless speculation by the international twitterati has been whether or not the US Congress will force the US to default on its credit obligations by refusing to raise its debt limit....

Look, it can’t be both ways…

Dear House Tea Party Caucus, Either the debt-limit is no big deal and therefore you can blow off raising it, or it’s an important thing that can be used as a bargaining chip to...

War Averted?

…well the civil war’s still going on, but airstrike averted maybe. Everyone seems to get a bit of what they want except the Syrian rebels who are hung out to dry…. Let’s hope this...