Author: Mark of New Jersey

Mark is a Founding Editor of The League of Ordinary Gentlemen, the predecessor of Ordinary Times.
SCOTUS Opinions on Trump Immunity

Comment Rescue – King v. Burwell Edition

The most interesting question from today’s oral argument in King v. Burwell is why Justice Kennedy suggested that a strict reading of the ACA in favor of the petitioners – and against the government – would create federalism concerns. Here’s a theory why.

What Happened To Michael Brown Is Not Much In Dispute

The conventional wisdom at the moment about the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri two weeks ago is that no one really knows what happened, and that the narratives conflict greatly depending on who you ask.

The conventional wisdom is bull.

Ferguson: The Background

League alum Jamelle Bouie has been committing journalism in Ferguson for the last week. His most recent piece, placing the events of the last two weeks in both a local and historical context, is...

A Self-Contradictory Argument on Global Inequality

Rising inequality in the United States is a real problem, but that doesn’t mean we should find ways to disregard the reduction of global inequality nor that we should treat all increases in inequality in other countries as first order problems.