Author: Kyle Cupp

Best Video Game Series Introduction

Evening to you, gamers.  Tomorrow we’ll begin our promised series in which those of us with an itch to talk video games using lots of  superlatives defend our pick for the title of best...

The Finest School

“I was graduated from the finest school, which is that of the love between a parent and a child. Though the world is constructed to serve glory, success, and strength, one loves one’s parents...

Best Video Game Ever Series

Is there a particular video game you’re dying to tell us is the most space awesome game ever?  We’ll be doing a brief series here starting the third week of June.  We’re looking for...

Questioning Faith

Asking questions is dangerous business.  I have friends and acquaintances who, after completing an inquisition into their own religious beliefs, forsook their religion, kicked the dust from their feet, and hit the road for...

Roger Ebert, R.I.P.

Famous film critic Roger Ebert has died. He could be as scathing as any critic, but he also displayed a passionate love of movies and film-making more warmhearted and heartfelt than most others I...

To Fail as a Son

The last time I saw my father I was twelve years old. Before boarding the airplane that would return me to the home of my mother and step-father, I had sat on the edge...

Being in Uncertainty

Claire Creffield, an atheist who finds that, sometimes, “invoking the concept of God seems a very compelling way indeed of doing justice to the strangeness, the beauty and the peril of our lives,” asks...

Visiting Heaven

Eban Alexander has journeyed to heaven and returned to tell the tale. In addition to writing an upcoming book, he chose to publish his private revelation in the pages of Newsweek. He’s a neurosurgeon,...

Loneliness and Loss

Not so long ago, I met a young couple who had unexpectedly lost their newborn baby shortly after birth. Upon my first seeing them, their heads were bowed and their eyes were downcast. Both...

Human Sexuality and Religious Norms

Decades after the sexual revolution, many religious conservatives remain fiercely committed to preaching, if not always living, an absolute and absolutist understanding of human sexuality. Mainstream biologists, psychologists and sociologists, building on the science...

Is Lust Really Immoral?

A friend recently related a story to me about how she was once rudely admonished by a fellow student at a religious university for wearing, at the gym, what he considered to be immodest...

My Secularism, Unraveling

Though a regular churchgoer and on most days a religious believer, I subscribe to the secularist principle that church and state ought to be kept separate. I don’t want government dictating religious belief and...

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Zombies

Zombie survival guides are a blood-stained dime a dozen, but won’t somebody please think of the zombies?  It’s a hard “life,” full of unending hunger, long monotonous stretches of boredom, a homogenous diet, and...