The Best Video Game Ever: Square’s “Vagrant Story”

Kyle Cupp

Kyle Cupp is a former regular here at Ordinary Times who lives in a small rural town about two hours southwest of Portland, Oregon with his wife, kids, and dog. He enjoys studying and writing about the world of employment, which is good because that's his job. You can find him on Twitter.

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3 Responses

  1. Cletus says:

    I know this is off topic but can someone help me with the way to submit a guest post? I have found something I would like to see discussed here:

    • Brandon Berg in reply to Cletus says:

      E-mail it to Tod Kelly, whose e-mail address is in the blurb at the bottom of this post.

      And don’t be the guy who assumes that a decline in subsidies as a percentage of tuition necessarily means a decline in real per-capita subsidies. Nobody likes that guy. Danny Westneat has been getting wedgies from the other columnists all day.Report

  2. Patrick says:

    The combat system in Parasite Eve was simultaneously awesome and the worst thing ever.Report