Author: Burt Likko

And Then They Came Home

Soldiers hopefully come home from war. The brand-new documentary The November War shows how that process is necessarily incomplete, shown from the warrior’s perspective and in warrior’s words, by a combat veteran turned filmmaker.

Linda Holmes Discovers The Joy Of Bad Science Fiction Movies

One of NPR’s pop culture reviewers got the cinematic equivalent of nachos with extra cheese sauce the other day. It’s fun and tasty even though you know it’s not good for you. The reviewer seems like she has only just discovered the joy of Bad Cinema, but now she’s hooked. In particular she seems amazed that they got “Actual Actor John Heard” to pummel a foam rubber shark with a barstool. The way that works, of course, is that the Actual […]

Monday Trivia, No. 122 [Don Zeko wins!]

New York has, or has had, 16 of these. Massachusetts and Virginia has or has had 7 each. Pennsylvania has or has had 5. California, Delaware, D.C., and Maine: 3 each. Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Ohio and South Carolina: 2 each. Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Texas: 1 each. This is a comprehensive list, and unique to the United States of America. (The total count is 68. Thanks to Mike Schilling for flushing out […]