Author: Jamelle

Two Quick Responses

At the risk of sounding overly nitpicky, I think E.D. is being a little imprecise when he attributes minority voting preferences to simple “populism”: I think a lot of minority voters aren’t so much...

We Are Experiencing Institutional Difficulties

At least among liberal bloggers, it’s become a matter of conventional wisdom that Congress – and particularly the Senate – is fundamentally broken.  Matthew Yglesias regularly points out our system’s absurdities, and various commentators have...

Stuff White People Americans Do

Over at Stuff White People Do, Nikki has a great guest post explaining one of the tactics (some) white people use to justify or explain their opposition to affirmative action and other forms of...

Weak Become Heroes

Via Sociological Images is this pretty awesome “pro-capitalist” propaganda cartoon from 1948: The Miller Center of Public Affairs (my employer) is holding a conference on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin...

It’s a hard knock life, for unions

E.D. has a new post up at his True/Slant digs asking why John McCain hasn’t done much to participate in the health care debate.  I don’t have much to say about the main substance...

Progressives for a value-added tax?

Via Megan McArdle is this interesting graph from the Congressional Budget Office showing the impact the recession has had on tax revenues, organized by type of tax: I am also surprised to see that...

One Step Closer*

As much as I hate to say it, Newt Gingrich does have a point here: Through my experience as Speaker of the House and building a Republican majority in 1994, I have learned that...

Christopher Hitchens and moral glibness

Sometimes I wonder if Slate knows that they’re being ripped off by Christopher Hitchens.  After all, he’s been writing the same two columns for while now: either he complains about how oppressive it is...

How to Sell a Tax Increase

I am nowhere near informed enough to offer any intelligent commentary on economic policy, but I am pretty good at political analysis.  And so instead of focusing on the economic part of Bruce Bartlett’s...

Deep Inside of a Parallel Universe

Reihan doesn’t think that we should dismiss Republican intransigence as irrational or nihilistic (via Andrew Sullivan): Among Democrats and liberals, there is a belief that Republican opposition to the various Democratic proposals represents a...

A quick post on Obama and gay rights

At the risk of ruffling the feathers of a few of my blogging comrades, I think that Kevin Drum is basically correct when he asks LGBT activists to chill out a little: Still, even...