Don’t Go Torching Cyber Trucks

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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9 Responses

  1. Damon

    If people REALLY want to hurt Musk, they should lobby for the removal of regulatory credits they sell to other automakers. “In Q4 2024, Tesla earned $692 million from selling regulatory credits, accounting for nearly 30% of its quarterly net income of $2.33 billion.”

    And, many types of folks like Teslas, which for the life of me makes no sense, but hey, you want to lug around a 1-3 thousand pound battery and be limited to a short distance of travel, be my guest, just don’t make me have one.Report

  2. DavidTC

    How I feel about this is incredibly complicated, I actually completely agree it’s a bad choice, not because it is wrong, not because it is counterproductive, but because it is _not needed_. Let me just walk though it:

    First, the use of fire:


    Just NO. Do not start fires except under the specific circumstances that the fire will be controlled. Like a fireplace, or a specifically designed campfire or bonfire. And, once started, it is your job to control it. Not sure why I have to explain this to human being who have, presumably, lived on this planet and know how fire works. Pretty basic human knowledge we’ve all been known about for hundred of thousands of years, if not longer.

    Second, the damage of specific individual property:

    Is this person, in some manner, harming you? Is what you are doing proportional to this harm? The answers to attacking someone’s individual Tesla are: Probably not, and certainly not. Arguably, they gave money to Elon. Individually, it’s not a significant amount, and we don’t generally think it’s proportional to cause them that much harm in retribution.

    Third, the damage of Telsas at dealerships (in a way that does not involve uncontrolled fire):

    Let’s pretend, for a second, that Elon is a wealthy person doing everything he’s doing (For those who just said ‘He is that, right?’ hold on.) Elon is part of an presidential administration that is literally renditioning people without trials to a foreign gulag. He doesn’t get to participate normally in society anymore, sorry.

    If some people have decided that means damaging his stuff, I’m not going to oppose it. That feels like an entirely reasonable level of political pushback to an actual fascist government, which is what we have right now. Assuming, of course, they damage _his_ stuff and not other people’s, and also do not idiotic use fire.

    Except we don’t really need to do that. Why?

    The protests themselves are enough.

    Which is a strange thing for me to say, because protests and boycotts of companies like this almost never actually work, and the way that they do work is usually by forcing the media to talk about wrongdoing or getting other people uncomfortable. And the media is going to keep talking about the Trump administration exactly as much as it already was, no more and no less, and the protests certainly aren’t going to stop or change Elon, who is a drugged-out manic lunatic. So in theory, this protest is pointless.

    Except the ‘get other people uncomfortable’ is tanking the stock price. Which will destroy Elon.Report

    • DensityDuck in reply to DavidTC

      “How I feel about this is incredibly complicated”

      This is the kind of thing people say when their first thought (and their second) is “right on” but they realize that looks bad and they think larding it up with extra words will make people accept it.Report

      • Chris in reply to DensityDuck

        People are complicated, and have complex motivations and feelings. That doesn’t seem unusual; I’m sure you’ve experienced this as well.

        Personally, when I see something about Teslas getting torched, my first thought is also, “Cool!” but then I think, “Actually, this is probably not helping, and risks escalation. People should come up with more productive ways of making sure Musk experiences consequences for buying the presidency and using it to destroy the federal government. But still, the pictures are great.”Report

  3. Jaybird

    If Republicans want to blow up Bud Light, Democrats get to blow up Tesla. Elon should know that Free Speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.Report

  4. James K

    … just stick to the Hondas and the Fords that you’re used to.Report

  5. DensityDuck

    They told me that if we voted for Donald Trump people would be doing Nazi salutes in public and burning electric-car dealerships…AND THEY WERE RIGHT!Report

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