Missouri Conducts Controversial Execution of Marcellus Williams

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4 Responses

  1. Michael Siegel

    They executed a man who is likely innocent. This is why I’ve moved against the death penalty. Not only does it risk an irreversible punishment on an innocent man, it creates a blood lust in the system that makes killing the innocent more likely.Report

    • InMD in reply to Michael Siegel

      I think the bottom line is that no matter how much you tinker with the process for capital punishment there is no way to pursue it without occasionally executing an innocent person. I’m not ok with that, nor do I see it as a price worth paying.Report

      • Burt Likko in reply to InMD

        Certainly not when you justify seeing the execution through so that faith in the system as a whole may be preserved via the mechanism of pretending to ignore the evidence of innocence. What that does is make a mockery of the standard of “reasonable doubt,” and inevitably thereafter diminish rather than buttress respect for the law.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Michael Siegel

      Everybody relevant was screaming not kill this man but the current governor decided to restart the clock towards death.Report

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