Devon Archer Day In Hunter Biden Congressional Hearings

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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4 Responses

  1. Philip H says:

    There doesn’t seem to be any legal “there there.” Ethical? sure, but not legal.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    This is why you pick up your laptop from the repair shop and you leave a tip if he asks for one.Report

  3. Burt Likko says:

    In my world, Hunter Biden’s failson antics are a nothingburger and always have been. I’ve never seen a link between them and any political action Joe Biden has taken and all of these investigations still haven’t come up with anything. For instance, we were told that there was a $5,000,000 payment to a “Biden family” account at some point that seemed to lack any sort of explanation, only we now find that the two witnesses for this are both convicted felons, one of them a fugitive from American justice for being an unregistered agent of Chinese arms manufacturers and the other for defrauding a Native American tribe to the tune of sixty million dollars. Both of these relate directly to their lack of propensity for veracity.

    I’ve some ConservaBoomers in my immediate family, for whom Hunter Biden is a noxious, criminal agent personally responsible for corrupting his father far beyond credibility, trustworthiness, or even good intent. They presume that of course Joe Biden was talking with Hunter’s business associates and this was the mechanism by which Joe Biden became wealthy. (N.b., he’s well off and lives well, but not extraordinarily so, and his money all seems to have come during the Trump years when he was out of office from legit sources.)

    What they’d been hearing turned out to be a bunch of recycled versions of the Biden-Ukraine conspiracy theories that they’d heard shouted at them from FOX News. What they hadn’t done was read the Wikipedia article I just linked. They conceded that the summary on the Wikipedia page “made sense” after I sent them the link.

    I can only imagine that following Archer’s testimony, FOX News will shout only the parts about Joe Biden speaking on the speakerphone to, or shaking hands with, Hunter’s business partners, as proof that Joe was “in on it all.” There will be scant mention, only during the hard news reporting portion of FOX’s broadcasts and not during the prime-time, personality-focused opinion shows, of Democrats “claiming” that in fact Joe only spoke of banal matters and largely to be polite and not give his son a brush-off because… Rep. Goldman is right, what is Joe Biden supposed to do when his then-forty-six year old failson calls him up and puts him on the spot? He knows Hunter is a troubled guy and is probably aware that Hunter is trying to trade off of his last name and Joe’s own plans to run for President, but he also still loves his son, which strikes me as what a parent is supposed to do. How else ought Biden have mediated those pressures?

    I’m not saying Biden is necessarily free from corruption and certainly would not have been free of temptations. But if Biden did sell his soul to anyone, it would have been American labor unions, and he did it before he first ran for President wa-a-a-ay back in 1988. If such a thing happened, it would also have been done in a way that complied with the law if not necessarily the ideals of public ethics. Again, I think his personal finances, described in the first link in this comment, are revelatory: it doesn’t look like he really ever cashed in on his public service in any meaningful way until the books-and-lectures circuit following his Vice Presidency, which is perfectly legal and could, in theory, even be ethical.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Burt Likko says:


      I keep typing this because the GOP, its politicians, operatives, and followers DO NOT CARE. They do not care about facts, or legalities or precedent. They do not care if their people are doing what they accuse Democrats of doing. They do not care if this makes them look clownish or inept to many Americans. They most certainly do not care about the assessments of the very online OT contributors universe.

      They only care about obtaining, consolidating and holding political power. And so they follow Steve Bannon’s advice, flood the zone with so much innuendo, misdirection, and outright lies that good decent sensible people give up. Like your Conserva-Boomers. They gave up until you forced them not to. Because its easier that way. Less mental work. Less pride hitting. And on and on.

      The GOP as a political entity got what it wanted from this. Distortion. Confusion. Misdirection. Acceptance. Mental resignation.

      Because They.