Saturday Morning Gaming: The Playstation 5
My zoom meetings were dying. It started happening, like, once per meeting. Then every couple of minutes. Then immediately after connecting. I could listen, I could use the chatroom text function, but the second I involved my mic, WHAMMO. I crashed.
One of my buddies asked me “Are you still using the switch I gave you 7 years ago? That thing was old when I gave it to you!”
So I headed out to the Best Buy to get a new switch. Not a Nintendo Switch, mind… one of the $29 dollar network switches that nobody but me uses anymore.
Well, as it turns out, Best Buy has stopped using their checkout stations in non-peak times. Like, the 6 registers at the front of the store? They don’t use them anymore. You now take your product up to the customer service desk and they ring you up there. This struck me as kinda depressing. Anyway, I took my switch to the customer service desk and the guy rung me up and asked “do you need anything else?” and I, as a joke, asked “Do you have any PS5s back there?” and he looked at me and said “You know what? I do.”
It was the Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Edition Horizon Forbidden West Bundle and he had it for MSRP.
Well, then. I’ll get one of those.
All that to say: They seem to have PS5s back in human space. Checking online, Amazon is still selling them invitation-only. Wal-mart seems to have Horizon Forbidden West two-controller bundles available for a little more than what scalpers are selling the basic PS5 for on Ebay. Best Buy online is sold out as is Target.
But I was able to get one at Best Buy in the middle of the week. So if you’re still irritated that your only option for getting a PS5 is to pay inflated prices… well, maybe stop by Best Buy when you’re getting something else entirely. You might luck out.
Then you can say “I *FINALLY* got my PS5 after two years!!! How come it doesn’t have any games yet?”
(Gotham Knights comes out on Friday, October 21st.)
So… what are you playing?
(Featured image is my shocked, shocked photo of the PS5 that they had at Best Buy for, like, just anybody to buy.)
Congrats! Hope it turns out to have been worth the wait.
I have a similar story for how I ended up with a Wii a few days after it was released — I wasn’t even seriously looking for one, but I happened to be at a Circuit City with the family to look at appliances, and I figured no harm in asking if they might have any Wiis lying around in the back; and lo and behold, they did.Report
So far, I’m replaying all of the Batman Arkham games in prep for Gotham Knights on Friday. (I’ve just dealt with the Cloudburst and am now dealing with a pollen problem and am wandering around trying to get Ridder trophies… I’ve got about 120.)
So… I’m delighted to have it but I’m playing PS4 games on it.
I was debating getting a PS4 a while back. When I got my original Playstation and my PS2, they had been out for a while. I talked myself out of it, though. I don’t really play consoles on the TV much. I can’t give a good reason for it, but it just doesn’t happen. There are not nearly as many exclusives as there used to be, so I figured it wouldn’t be a good value for me.
I am still making my way through Sam & Max Season 2. I am on episode 3, featuring zombies, a vampire, and a goth night club. Episode 1 I got through without too much trouble. Episode 2 needed a couple hints, and I don’t think I would have ever stumbled on the solution for one of the puzzles without help. Episode 3 has been less hint-dependent so far. I am glad that is still around, because it is great when you just want a nudge and don’t want everything spoiled.Report
Well, I’ll tell you a secret:
I still watch DVDs and Blu-ray. So I use my PS5 as my player. Checking the google, Blu-Ray players cost around $50 (and there’s one for seven bucks? That’s insane) but, emotionally, they still cost more than $100.
So that knocks $100 off the emotional price of the PS5 right there.Report
I got a PS5 through the Amazon invite thing. I think I waited a few months and then received an invite to purchase one within 72 hours. I received it within 24 hours thanks to Prime. The next Star Ocean comes out at the end of October. Final Fantasy XVI comes out summer 2023, and then second part of the FFVII remake comes out at the end of 2023.Report
After Gotham Knights, the big thing I’m looking forward to is Ragnarok in EARLY NOVEMBER!!! AAAAAA I WON’T HAVE TIME TO RE-BEAT GOD OF WAR *AND* PLAY GOTHAM KNIGHTSReport
In retro news, G4TV has officially shut down again:
This tweet from Wario64 is how some of the employees of G4TV found out.Report
In the spirit of Halloween, Darkwood is this week’s free game at the Epic Game Store.
It’s a little bit puzzle game, a little bit ARPG, a little bit survival, and a *LOT* horror.Report