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- A Note from EmDecember 20, 20248 Comments
- From Tablet Mag: Rapid-Onset Political EnlightenmentDecember 19, 20244 Comments
- From The Wall Street Journal: How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in ChargeDecember 19, 202447 Comments
- The Good Old Days, According to the DataDecember 17, 2024No Comments
- Open Mic for the week of 12/16/2024December 16, 2024155 Comments
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- Mike Schilling on A Note from EmWhatever it is will pass, and we all look forward to that.
- DavidTC in reply to Jaybird on Open Mic for the week of 12/16/2024...what an incredibly weird comment. It's impossible for you to honestly mean it, as you have spent…
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- Jaybird on The Church Entertainment
- North on A Note from Em
- Slade the Leveller in reply to KenB on Weekend Plans Post: The Ghost Town
- Philip H in reply to Brandon Berg on Open Mic for the week of 12/16/2024
- fillyjonk on A Note from Em
- fillyjonk on Weekend Plans Post: The Ghost Town
- Brandon Berg in reply to Philip H on Open Mic for the week of 12/16/2024
- Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw on Open Mic for the week of 12/16/2024
- Fish on A Note from Em
- Jaybird on A Note from Em
- Philip H on Open Mic for the week of 12/16/2024
- Philip H in reply to Doctor Jay on A Note from Em
- Doctor Jay on A Note from Em
- Jaybird in reply to Fish on Weekend Plans Post: The Ghost Town
- Fish in reply to Jaybird on Weekend Plans Post: The Ghost Town
Those outfits!Report
Everyone has some sort of “meet the family” story, right? The one I remember was back in the 1960s in Storm Lake, IA and I was about 14. At that time, Storm Lake’s population was completely dominated by vikings: descendants of Danes and Swedes and Dutch who had largely been recruited by the Great Northern Railway from northern Europe. I had a play rehearsal* on a Wednesday evening. I was supposed to pick up one of the Lund sisters, who was also in the play, to walk to rehearsal, then walk her back home since it would after dark by then. When I got to the Lunds’ house, I was greeted by the sister I was supposed to escort, who told me that Grandma Lund was visiting and I was required to come in and talk with her. I did my best 14-year-old talking with a grandma shtick. I thought it went well. We went to the rehearsal, I walked her home.
Necessary background… The Lunds were Dutch, all with hair so blond it verged on white. I was a minority Anglo-Saxon kid in town with brown hair and light brown eyes. I was almost always the shortest kid in class, even when you included the girls.
The next day at school the Lund sister stopped me. “It was so cool. You know what Grandma said when I got home? ‘He seems like a nice boy, but he’s so dark.’ You and me, we’re going to the movies on Friday. Pick me up at 6:30. I’ve got to know what Grandma is going to say if you ‘take me out’ twice.”
* That ninth-grade play is story worth its own space.Report