Zelenskyy’s Pop-In: Why?

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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2 Responses

  1. Michael Siegel

    Zelensky came to deal. He tried to correct Trump and Vance on the Kremlin-based lies they’ve been spewing. They threw a hissy fit. And now Trump is (illegally) withholding aide, promising Russia sanctions relief and telling the DOJ stop their anti-cyber-warfare efforts.

    This isn’t complicated. Trump hates Zelensky. He likes Putin. He likes dictators. He’s a weak man who worships false strength. And so he’s switched sides in the war. And if 40 million Ukrainians have their culture destroyed, that’s what they get for being other people.Report

  2. Jaybird

    He tried to negotiate in front of the world and show Trump up. He just bungled it.

    The rumor I heard was that Zelensky met with the Democrats who explained that they could vote more money for him, more support, he just had to stand up to Trump and prove it could be done. Give Trump an L and we can help you!

    And, wouldn’t you know it, the Dems’ mouths wrote checks that Z’s ass was unable to cash. He went to Europe and got all of the moral support he could have asked for and more. Moral support and three bucks will get you a tall latte.

    And the worst part is that the American People are getting a little sick of the Ukraine thing. “Send them *MORE* money? Ugh. Why?” and getting a moralizing speech in return is, apparently, not working.

    Did you see Harry Enten’s segment on CNN explaining the difference between the numbers for Biden and Trump on handling Ukraine/Russia?

    -Trump’s net approval on Russia/Ukraine (+2) is far more positive than Biden’s was by the end (-22).
    -The share (31% to 50%) who want a compromise in the war is way up
    -The share who say Russia is an enemy is way down (64% to 34%).

    The segment went on for a bit and explained that a majority of Americans supported Ukraine in the conflict… but it looks like that support amounts to moral support and, well, I already made a latte comment.

    There are a handful of arguments that it might be possible to make about how it’s important for the US to support Ukraine *MATERIALLY* and send them another few hundred billion. “It is in the US’s best interest that Russia lose and internalize having lost” is probably the foremost to come to mind… but few are making it. “We have a *MORAL OBLIGATION* to fight against *TYRANNY* by sending *MONEY*!” makes a lot of assumptions that aren’t shared and fewer people share them today than shared them yesterday.

    And if even fewer people are going to share those assumptions tomorrow…Report

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