I just can’t believe that, once again, the time for Lent is here. Again.
Has it been a year already? A little more than a year, I guess. Last year’s pancakes were takeout and brought home to eat in the living room because we were still weeks away from Maribou’s endometriosis being taken care of.
As we sat in the diner eating stacks of pancakes while sitting in a booth, we talked about eating pancakes last year and how crazy it was and how many things went wrong with our various bodies and how, FINALLY, it feels like we’ve turned the corner somewhat. We no longer have doctor appointments every week or so. We no longer have to google words we’ve never heard before. All of the pictures we’ve taken since the beginning of the year have been external.
So what’s the plan for the coming year? I’m going to get another freakin’ cert. We’re going to continue culling our bookshelves. And ease into 2025.
I think I’m going to try to give up buying games again this year *AND* the Metamucil thing. Seriously, if you want to feel years younger after just a week or so with minimal effort? Metamucil.
The days are long but the years are short.
So… what are you giving up for Lent? Or, at least, meditating on?
(And I need another “Oh, I remember that song!” song for the post… here’s one.)
I’m going without carbs, or at least without very many. I’ve already screwed up, but it was work related and would have been awkward if I didn’t try a bite. Can you be damned for a single bite of an empanada? Does it lead to dancing?
And not only do I not remember that song, I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before.
Happy Lent.Report