The Shakedown

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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8 Responses

  1. Reformed Republican

    Some libertarian types like to describe government as a protection racket. I think we are seeing what that actually looks like.Report

  2. Jaybird

    Silicon Valley isn’t particularly surprising, really. There is a red tribe/blue tribe/grey tribe thing going on and grey tribe was aligned with blue tribe there for a while and blue tribe did everything they could to alienate the grey tribe and the grey tribe listened.

    Now the grey tribe is finding out that the red tribe sucks too and the main question is whether the red tribe sucks less.Report

    • InMD in reply to Jaybird

      Assuming no external crisis my money is that the first 18 months of the administration are going to be dominated by wealthy grey tribe types coming to grips with all the many things the ‘dumb’ party doesn’t like about them.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to InMD

        The whole H1B thing has already caused a lot of stress and it is going to cause more.

        Vivek has already deleted everything on twitter going back to January 5th. Elon, it’s theorized, deployed the whole Grooming Gangs topic as a way to deflect against the Christmas Twitter Debacle and, gotta say, even as a magnificent way to change the subject, it’s not the topic you wanna spend a month on before pivoting back to H1Bs.

        And if the grey tribe resorts to using the attacks that always worked when the blue tribe used them, the grey tribe will quickly find themselves talking to a brick wall and asking why dialog isn’t possible.Report

    • Chris in reply to Jaybird

      So basically the libertarian experience in the 90s/Aughts?Report

  3. PD Shaw

    “basically legalized bribery last year”

    Yet the longest serving legislative leader in U.S. history is on trial right now for multiple counts of bribery. The trial started almost three months ago.

    The Snyder decision ruled that the bribery statute for state officials was not written to apply to gratuities (payments given as a reward for a past action without a quid pro quo) If Congress wants to ban them, it can amend the statute governing state officials to resemble the statute government federal officials.

    And I disagree with the assumption that the SCOTUS should broadly interpret criminal statutes is a way of checking executive power. Gratuities in particular seem to fall in the category of “I know it when I see it” that gives a lot of discretion to law enforcement.Report

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