Open Mic for the week of 1/13/2025


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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107 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    This one is weird. The Eagles beat the Packers last night in a big playoff game, 22-10.

    Saquon Barkley was the big running back who made a play where he got a first down and then did a slide instead of running all the way to the end zone for another touchdown.

    The first down locked the game down tight. There was no way that the Packers could come back, even in theory, after that first down was scored. Clock management, baby.

    HOWEVER. Barkley was the biggest recipient of sports betting on Sunday. More people bet that he’d score a touchdown than they made on any other player.

    And Barkley did *NOT* score a touchdown, he, instead, did the slide thing to lock down the game and the QB took a knee on the next play to win the game.

    And ESPN is covering it as controversial due to the whole betting thing.Report

    • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

      Professional sports may (probably will) someday rue the day they got into bed with bookies, but Barkley’s slide was just a class move to not run up the score. Why prolong the game?Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

        What is the difference between point shaving and not running up the score?

        (And I agree, getting into bed with the bookies was a bad move… especially since there are people who have six-figure one-year contracts playing right next to people who have nine-figure multi-year contracts. How much money is there to be made in making sure that a prop bet goes *THIS* way instead of *THAT* way?)Report

        • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

          Let’s say he scores. Then there’s the PAT, where no time runs off the clock. The Eagles kick off and it’s a touchback. Still the same amount of time on the clock. The Eagles’ D has to come out and defend who knows how many plays in garbage time. Why risk the injury?Report

          • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

            100%. Perfectly reasonable.

            That’s what makes point shaving so pernicious.

            Why do you care? The Eagles won anyway. How does it affect you personally?Report

            • KenB in reply to Jaybird

              But this has always been a thing, to some extent – the main difference with *legalized* gambling is that ESPN is more apt to write a post about it.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to KenB

                I’m going to go with Occam’s Razor on this one. ESPN is JAQing off with this stuff. There’s absolutely no substance. (Though the NFL has certainly invited this. Remember when there couldn’t be professional sports in Vegas due to the legalized gambling?)Report

              • Michael Cain in reply to Slade the Leveller

                Amazon’s Thursday Night Football has three of the studio analysts put together a three-factor parlay bet during their pregame show. With at least fine-print disclaimer on screen that neither Amazon nor the analysts have any association with the online sports book doing the instant money line for the parley, and that the money line for the bet is subject to change.Report

          • Michael Cain in reply to Slade the Leveller

            Some years back the Chicago Bears wound up losing a game because on a play inside the last two minutes, their running back went out of bounds and stopped the clock instead of sliding. The opponents had no time outs left and almost certainly wouldn’t have scored a game-tying field goal as time expired without the 40 seconds that didn’t run off the clock.Report

        • CJColucci in reply to Jaybird

          What is the difference between point shaving and not running up the score?

          Why it is being done. Sort of like the difference between killing in self-defense and murder.Report

          • Jaybird in reply to CJColucci

            What’s your measurement tool for this?

            An email trail? Recordings of the coach saying “I’ve got a $800 riding on this”?Report

            • KenB in reply to Jaybird

              I think you’re overthinking this. Garbage time effort will always be different than when the game is on the line, so bettors should bear that in mind when placing bets. How the nfl should police potential player/team involvement with gambling is a separate question— presumably they have people looking out for behavior outside the norms to identify situations that may need further investigation, but that stuff probably won’t appear in espn articles until it’s much farther along.Report

            • CJColucci in reply to Jaybird

              Point shaving has been successfully prosecuted before. No need for me to re-invent the wheel.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to CJColucci

                My cursory googling tells me that they got nailed on “conspiracy”.

                Which is good.

                I guess.Report

              • CJColucci in reply to Jaybird

                I’m not sure which “they” you’re referring to. Even cursory googling will show quite a number of cases. And of course there will have been conspiracy charges. Point shaving involves some crooks agreeing with players, coaches, or officials to keep the margins down. Pretty much the definition of a conspiracy, so of course that will be the charge.
                It takes hard work to find them and prove them. There was no e-mail in Frank Hogan’s day and no handy “measuring tool.” Just hard work and, usually, a bit of luck. Like so many other things.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to CJColucci

                Well, “conspiracy” as opposed to “point shaving”.Report

              • CJColucci in reply to Jaybird

                Point shaving is a federal crime. And any point-shaving scheme is a textbook conspiracy, so both charges will be on the table. At least federally. In states that don’t have specific point-shaving statutes, the substantive charge will be some other, more general crime and conspiracy to commit the crime.
                All of that is straight out of the prosecutor playback, and sometimes the defendant cops a plea to the conspiracy charge rather than the underlying crime — a pretty common arrangement for all sorts of crimes.
                By now I know better than to ask what your point is.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to CJColucci

                I found the “bribery in sporting contests” law too… but not the “shaving” one.Report

      • InMD in reply to Slade the Leveller

        They will absolutely rue it.

        I believe the slide is now the consensus ‘correct’ play, not (just) a matter of sportsmanship. Even in a game that is almost certainly won you don’t want to give the ball back or have someone injured on meaningless plays.Report

  2. Philip H

    As usual, dismally so, the Democrats have learned all the wrong lessons from their very small Senate and House defeats this election cycle. Thus they are still trying to be Republican light on important things like immigration. The worst part of this is that granting states standing to sue over federal performance in immigration enforcement is yet another blow to federalism.

    Read more here –

    • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

      To be perfectly honest, suing over federal performance for issues where the federal government has claimed jurisdiction is a First Amendment issue.

      The law shouldn’t have had to be passed to get that part going.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

        This is not a redress of grievances issue – its a sovereign immunity issue. The Constitution grants the federal government sole control over borders, immigration and war making. Congress then appropriates to the executive such monies as Congress (not the Executive) deems warranted to perform those duties. The Executive then implements those responsibilities within those constraints.

        Texas not liking that there is not more border enforcement is nice, but the way to impact that is to have Texas Congressional representation assure proper funding and oversight. Diverting federal public funds to answer Texas in court every time a decision has to be made won’t actually change how DHS does its job unless Congress appropriates funds differently.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

          proper funding and oversight

          Ah, funding.

          Anyway, I think being able to sue the government for screwing up something where it has claimed jurisdiction *IS* a redress of grievances issue.

          I mean… how is it *NOT* that?

          Come on, man.Report

          • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

            Just because they aren’t doing it Jaybird’s way doesn’t mean they are screwing it up.

            That aside, the Bill of Right is about individual citizens, not a subordinate level of government.

            Again – the way for Texas to address the issue as a state is to have its congressional delegation appropriate and authorize while conducting oversight through public hearings. Its quite telling that Congress wants to hand off more of its responsibilities to others.Report

            • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

              That aside, the Bill of Right is about individual citizens, not a subordinate level of government.

              So it would require a law to make it so that Texas can petition them for redress of grievances?

              Sounds like they went about it one of the several right ways, then.

              Just not, you know, the one that Philip H would have preferred.

              I mean, if we’re willing to run with that as a particularly salient criticism.Report

    • Slade the Leveller in reply to Philip H

      “Never let a crisis go to waste.” – Winston Churchill – Rahm EmanuelReport

    • InMD in reply to Philip H

      it all depends on which version of the Democrats we’re talking about. If it’s Obama era trade of increased security and enforcement for leniency for long settled non felons and/or broader legal pathways to immigrate thats something that can be worked with, and isn’t so obviously in stark opposition to the views of the broader electorate. If it’s Biden era tolerance of specious asylum claims to backdoor in the mass, unregulated, and indefinite resettlement of millions and millions of illegal aliens then it’s not going to work. And the ball has been dropped so badly during the later era that the only path back to the former positions that has any credibility may well be making a bunch of concessions to anti immigration hardliners unrequited. It sucks but it’s the predictable consequence of the party giving so much credence to out of touch activist organizations that it turns out don’t even represent the views of the people they claim to and true believers in the immigration bar.Report

      • Philip H in reply to InMD

        And when those concessions lead to both citizen deportations without redress and a hobbled federal executive forever bogged down by lawsuits what then?

        Much as I detest Jaybird’s Divorce or War quip, I’m beginning to believe We would all be better off without Texas.Report

        • InMD in reply to Philip H

          The nice thing about democracy is that nothing is permanent. If the predicted disasters materialize then the answer is to go win an election and change the law to something better. As always the tides will turn and the Democrats will at some point have power again, probably sooner than anyone is predicting in the wake of a defeat.

          We also just have to be realistic about the current environment. Ask yourself if we’re better off with, I dont know, Fetterman in the Senate or with whatever Republican defeats him.Report

          • Philip H in reply to InMD

            As a student of the modern history of Central America, I would posit that your rosy ideas about democracy are rapidly becoming a quaint notion of history. And if Fetterman continues to back irresponsible GOP positions because Democrats continue to learn the wrong lessons, no we are not better off.Report

            • InMD in reply to Philip H

              I don’t think you really believe that because if you did you’d be out in the street and/or taking up arms not debating it on some website.

              I would also think really hard about what you’re saying about Fetterman. A succesful party that governs more in line with your preferences has a lot more Fettermans and probably even Manchins, because thats what it takes to build strong majorities. You also cannot be succesful in a democracy or even claim the mantle of defender of democratic principles if you’re unwilling to ever meet the electorate where it is on completely legitimate questions of public policy, like immigration.Report

              • Philip H in reply to InMD

                Democrats signing on to this bill are not meeting the electorate where it is – because the bill does nothing that present law already does, save allowing governors to usurp the powers of Congress and the President when the governors don’t like things. The electorate also doesn’t want mass deportations, but we had a president just get elected promising just that.

                As to taking up protest – no one is organizing them here yet because Mississippi seems to think our undocumented migrants won’t be touched – even though we were one of the few states where Trump’s prior administration actually rounded undocumented migrants up.Report

              • InMD in reply to Philip H

                The electorate also doesn’t want mass deportations, but we had a president just get elected promising just that.

                My dude… what do you think the election was about? Sure there were other issues most notably inflation but the people spoke. I too strongly doubt this is going to go well but I don’t know what makes you think people are worked up about deportations of people the law says are to be deported.Report

        • Marchmaine in reply to Philip H

          Where’s the claim that citizens will be deported?

          Are you talking about ‘undocumented citizens’ … I’d be curious what level of exposure that is… sure, I could imagine a 100yo fellow born at home in rural West Texas that might have some(?) challenges… probably not, but I could imagine a curious edge case.

          Live birth recordings are generally available online on a state-by-state basis. Heck, you can get *anyone’s* birth certificate after 75 yrs:

          Protected records are:
          Birth certificates from the last 75 years

          Anyhow, would be interested in a cite where someone is making the case that Citizens are at risk.

          Note, I’m not commenting specifically on the Laken Riley bill (which doesn’t reference citizen deportations that I could tell from the article), but curious about this sort of claim that I’m starting to hear bubbling under the surface — trying to get a bead on that.Report

          • Philip H in reply to Marchmaine

            Citizens being deported has been part of the incoming CBP head’s rhetoric for weeks – where he blatantly says that if a family has citizens and undocumented migrants in it, the citizens should leave with the undocumented migrants to keep the family together. To punish the citizens apparently. Once that starts, its a not very slippery slope for them to be rounded up and shipped out without due process.Report

            • Marchmaine in reply to Philip H

              Thanks for clarifying; strikes me a rhetorical escalation to call that Citizen Deportation, but it helps to know where that’s coming from.

              On slippery slopes in matters social, I have it on good authority from years of leftist criticisms that Slippery Slopes do not exist.Report

          • InMD in reply to Marchmaine

            Obviously he means self deportation by the nation’s DEI officers to the occupied people’s freedom zone Justin Trudeau is establishing in the Yukon territory.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

          I’m beginning to believe We would all be better off without Texas.

          Everybody thinks that there are people the country would be better off without.

          The only difference is whether you think that we’d be better off without criminals, homeless, etc versus whether you think we’d be better off without people who do their jobs, pay their taxes, and mostly stay off the radar.Report

        • Chris in reply to Philip H

          Make Texas Mexico Again!*

          *Also everything taken in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Philip H

      There needs to be a way to convince people to be more pro-immigrant. I think that globally, the developed world is turning against immigration. I don’t like it but it is where popular sentiment lies. At the same time going “racist, racist, racist” at people skeptical of immigration has not exactly worked as a strategy.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to LeeEsq

        One of the problems is that you’ve got some yokel saying “they’re giving debit cards to illegal immigrants!” and good, honest people correct him saying “no human being is illegal and NOBODY WALKS HUNDREDS OF MILES FOR WELFARE!” and then the media prints out something like “NYC ending controversial debit card program for migrants” and the yokels see this as justification for what they said instead of appreciating the nuance that the good, honest people were explaining to them.Report

      • James K in reply to LeeEsq

        Fixing the housing market would probably help. That’s the main thing that leads people to actually suffer harm from new people entering the community. The best part is that the real regulatory problems are at the state level, so it doesn’t matter that the Democrats are 0 for 3 in controlling the federal government.Report

        • Philip H in reply to James K

          The GOP controls 26 states. many of which rely heavily on immigrant labor for major business sectors.Report

        • LeeEsq in reply to James K

          Too many people are sticking to NIMBYism.Report

          • North in reply to LeeEsq

            It’s really really tough. The core root of NIMBY is naked self interest and property is a huge portion of most home owners fiscal worth. I’m very pro-development but when a ten bedroom apartment went up next to my home replacing a little bungalow (core urban neighborhood) I couldn’t even pretend to be happy. I am proud that I did nothing to discourage it or encumber it in any of the hearing or planning stages but having the south side of the house cast in perpetual shadow stung like a mother-fisher and that’s without even thinking about if it actual impacted the property value.

            There’s a very real parochial interest in NIMBYism but it’s wildly, desperately, important that city management doesn’t succumb to it because the downstream impacts of succumbing to is have proven to be utterly catastrophic- particularly to liberalism.Report

      • Philip H in reply to LeeEsq

        Once the mass deportations commence – and given the relevant cabinet picks and agency head nominations I expect them to – Americans will begin tio understand just how vital immigrants are to the economy and just how horribly removing them all will go. Unfortunately by the time its really clear to everyone, the economy will be over the cliff.Report

    • Brandon Berg in reply to Philip H

      The President has a constitutional mandate to ensure that the laws be enforced faithfully. The story you linked suggests that the bill would allow states to sue on the grounds that the President is not fulfilling that obligation:

      Defenders of the measure say the provisions are necessary after President Joe Biden and previous administrations refused to use all the tools given to the executive branch by Congress to crack down on crimes committed by migrants.

      Is that actually the case? I have limited knowledge of the issue, and on that basis decline to state an opinion on the question. But assuming for the sake of argument that it is, what other remedies are available when the people of a particular state are suffering alleged harms as a result of the President not faithfully enforcing the law? Passing another law for the President to fail to enforce faithfully?

      This is extremely dumb:

      Notably, the new legal powers would only flow one way. States could sue the federal government for deciding to release an undocumented migrant in custody, but it does not authorize state lawsuits for when a person is allegedly being unlawfully detained.

      Someone who is being unlawfully detained has standing to sue on his own behalf. There’s no need for the state to sue.Report

  3. LeeEsq

    My opinion on immigration is that relatively free and open immigration happens at times of elite consensus that relatively free and open immigration is a good thing. When you have at least one group of elites that believe that this is not a good thing or believes they can benefit from xenophobic feeling than you aren’t going to have free and open immigration.Report

    • Philip H in reply to LeeEsq

      And this is where we are. A group of elites has decided that even though they benefit economically from relatively free and open immigration (in fact not in law) they don’t benefit politically from it, and so are fomenting class and race battles to allow themselves to be the saviors politically. What they want is the same number of undocumented migrants, whom they can exploit and abuse with impunity for maximum economic gain. Which is why you always see the immigrants labeled as the problem and dealt with accordingly, never the business owners.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

        If only there were a party willing to go against the business owners!Report

        • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

          Your lips to God’s ears.Report

          • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

            Part of the problem is that “going against business” laws are written by established players and are good for creating barriers to entry rather than actual legislation that goes against business for the good of the common man.

            It’s like the housing legislation in California, for example.

            Laws are passed to protect the environment, to protect the precious snail darter, but it only has the result of helping established players sell their already-owned houses for more.

            The parties have been captured.

            The choice is between which party will be better for common folks incidentally.

            At this point, the one that sees “citizens” as something akin to members of a union and “undocumented visitors” as something akin to scabs is currently seen as better for the common man.

            Don’t they understand that Mexican food tastes really good, though?Report

  4. Jaybird

    CBS reports: Israel and Hamas agree in principle to ceasefire and hostage deal, sources say.

    Mr. Biden’s top Mideast adviser, Brett McGurk, has been in the region for the better part of a month working to close the deal, coordinating on a regular basis with Steve Witkoff, who has been tapped by Trump to be special Middle East envoy.

    Biden finishes off one last task before Trump gets to claim that it’s because of him.Report

  5. Jaybird

    Remember the Dylan Mulvaney thing for Bud Light? Did part of you wish that you could do something to a beverage company and make them say “I shouldn’t have done that…” and get a marketing exec fired?

    I have good news!


  6. Damon

    Seems Neil is in a spot of trouble.

    “Neil Gaiman Responds to Explosive Report of Sexual Assault”

  7. Philip H

    There was and remains no excuse for what SecDef did. That he still has a job is both insulting and unsurprising.

  8. Chris

    RIP David Lynch.Report

  9. Jaybird

    Okay, you know the TikTok ban? You know how a bunch of American Teens/Zoomers hoping to maintain memetic supremacy jumped over to China’s RedBook app?

    Well, after a couple of days of trying to keep up with all of the gay stuff (it’s banned over there, don’t you know), censors are resorting to creating an internal firewall between Americans and Chinese people.


  10. Jaybird

    Supreme Court, in a 9-0 decision, says that the TikTok ban (if they don’t divest) is okay.

    Say what you will about Korematsu, but it was 6-3.Report

  11. Jaybird

    Speaking of the 1st Amendment, CNN was just found liable for defamation.Report

  12. Jaybird

    And we finally passed the ERA!!!

    This is great. There are women’s groups at work but not any men’s group. It’s time this injustice was brought to an end.Report

  13. Brandon Berg

    I started a new blog. The first post is about research covered last month in the New York Times claiming that there’s an elevated risk of homicide victimization in pregnant and post-partum women. I explain that this finding is an artifact of some errors in quantitative reasoning that somehow got through peer review in four different papers.Report

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