Saturday Morning Gaming: The Steam Thanksgiving Sale!!!


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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6 Responses

  1. Andy

    Some other goodies from the sales:

    Darkest Dungeon- $1.99
    Red Dead Redemption 2 – $19.79
    Baldur’s Gate 2 – $47.99 (20% off)
    Europa Universalis IV – $4.99 ($11.99 with all the dlc)
    Assassins Creed Odyssey- $5.99

    Still jealous you are iceland! We were there in June and want to go back!Report

  2. Hoosegow Flask

    I just finished The Rise of the Golden Idol. If you liked The Case of the Golden Idol, you’ll probably like the sequel. It’s more of the same. People messing with power beyond their understanding and you trying to piece together what happened.Report

  3. DavidTC

    I’ve gotten into Fallout 76 with some friends over the past month. It’s actually a workable and real game now, unlike when it launched, and the community is a good deal less sucky than a lot of those types of games…it helps that the game is deliberately set up where there’s no incentive to screwing other players over, and PvP is basically non-functional so no one does it.

    It has recently gotten a lot of newbies thanks to the TV series (I guess I am technically one of them, I had a urge to play some Fallout and some friends started talking about Fallout 76 and I figured, why not. Although with two thousand hours in Fallout 4 alone, I’m hardly a newcomers to the series), so it’s apparently a little weird right now.

    So if you like Fallout, but heard bad things about 76 at launch (Which were all true, but the game has been fleshed out) or disliked the idea of online play because you worried about how other players act (Which I also did, but the community is actually really nice), give it another shot. There’s a new ‘season’ starting Dec 2.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

      I talked about 76 here (and the music here).

      My take on 76 was that the seasoning for New Vegas and Fallout 4 had become the meal.

      Have they addressed that at all? I enjoyed my time with the game, it’s just that I didn’t want to keep paying for Fallout 1st in perpetuity to be playing it somewhere close to the level of annoyance I’d find acceptable.Report

      • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

        ‘Pay to not be annoyed’ is basically the only other model besides ‘pay to win’ for games like this, they’re not fixing that, they’d make no money from it. If the game wasn’t more enjoyable after you subscribed, why on earth would you subscribe?

        (I do find it funny you mention you can buy random in-card perk card packs if you have Fallout 1st as some sort of very useful thing. That…is not even vaguely useful. At all. You get to choose a perk card at each level up, and by the time you reach level 70 or so you’ve gotten all the ones you want, and anyone over 100 or so generally has around 10 perk cards sitting there they’ve forgotten to even select yet. No one needs five _random_ ones, those are mostly scrapped for perk coins.)

        As for the constant repair and repeatable stuff…that’s literally how MMOs operate. You will eventually run out of content in the game, and start doing things again, and part of the play cycle is making you have consumables that you have to do minor things to refill before you can do some of the big stuff.

        Cycle without that for top level players:
        Fight biggest, most challenging enemy.
        Fight biggest, most challenging enemy.
        Fight biggest, most challenging enemy.

        Cycle with that for top level players:
        Fight biggest. most challenging enemy.
        Do some farming to collect mirelurk meat because you want some boost that requires, cook that.
        Repair some armor and guns.
        While you’re there, fix the damage to your house some idiot visitor allowed.
        Sell some stuff to buy some chems, restock those.
        Actually, you need money in general, so you craft some serums and sell them at the mall…

        It’s the exact same reason they have random things you have to do to earn S.C.O.R.E. to get seasonal stuff. It’s not because it’s useful, it’s because interjecting randomness and small tasks (One that hopefully are not too annoying) into the play cycle keeps players from getting bored.

        MMO cost money to run, and they need people to keep playing them a _lot_ longer than possible any main plot could hold their attention. They are indeed about maintenance, not finishing a story. But that’s basically the premise of the genre.

        And none of the ‘main plots’ in an MMO (Fallout 76 has half a dozen.) can to do anything to the game world at all, which makes them somewhat limited. You can’t have the plot stop the scorched because you’re in a game world where other players have not done that. Completing main game questions mostly just individually gives you access to things, like additional vendors or nuke launches.Report

  4. Jaybird

    Picked up Balatro.


    I may be in trouble.Report

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