Turkeys and Drumsticks 2024

Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography from USA, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
Over at the old Right-Thinking blog, I would take advantage of the Thanksgiving Holiday to give out my awards for Turkeys of the Year and Golden Drumsticks. The latter are for those who exemplify the best traits in our public sphere. The former are for those who exemplify silliness and stupidity. I sometimes give them out to someone who is evil, but they are mostly reserved for those who regularly make me shake my head and wonder what they’re thinking. It’s a sort of “thank you” for making snarky tweeting easier. Past winners can be found here.
This post is a little late, for reasons I will get into next week. But the year has also been so stuffed with turkeys, I was overwhelmed. Every time I’d think, “Oh, yeah, that dude will be Turkey of the Year”, someone else come gobbling up, being publicly stupid in such a spectacular way, I’d have to reformulate my entire list.
Donald Trump is now permanently ineligible for these awards since he was the first recipient of the lifetime achievement award last year. This year, I’m going to add another name to that list: Elon Musk. What Musk is doing with Space-X is nothing short of amazing, as I’ve written many times on these pages. How he is conducting himself outside of that narrow parameter space is absurd. And now he’s pretending he’s the co-President, running this DOGE thing and promising to cut $2 trillion in fat from a federal budget that doesn’t have that much room. I expect Trump to tire of him and throw him out on his ear at some point.
And then things really will get interesting.
Anyway, when it came to picking my turkeys, I ended with one choice for the top spot. And I hate to do it to the guy, but this year’s Turkey of the Year is:
Joe Biden: I happen to think Biden’s presidency was moderately successful. The inflation wasn’t entirely his fault — it was mostly pent-up COVID demand and we got it under control faster and better than any other country. He passed some big bills that will be paying off in the out years. He got NATO expanded and seems to have worked a good Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire. The economy is good, crime is down and border crossings have crashed in the last year.
But the fact that I have to tell you all these things is part of the problem. His comms team was terrible. And his ability to communicate any of his successes (and Trump’s manifest failures) to the public is a big reason the latter is going back into the White House. Biden’s legacy will forever marred by clinging to the office too long, until it became obvious in the most public and alarming way possible that he was no longer up for the job.
And no, I’m not going to shift blame for this onto staffers, Jill Biden or the Illuminati. They helped conceal his decline but he must have known he wasn’t up to the job anymore, let alone a campaign and four more years. Imagine if he had announced in 2023 that was wasn’t running for re-election. A full Democratic primary takes place that pulls attention away from Trump and the age issue flips to being a reason to vote for Democrats.1
I understand why he didn’t want to leave. But in doing so, he hurt the nation.
Trump Voters From primary voters who picked a deranged criminal over a half dozen more worthy candidates to general election voters who think the leopards won’t eat their face, the ability of the public to recast Trump into … whatever they want him to be … is impressive. Post-election surveys have shown Hispanic voters shifted to him because they though he would only deport criminals. Blue-collar voters are being surprised by warnings that incoming tariffs will raise prices. Union members are soon to be surprised when Trump (and his compliant judges) destroy the NLRB.
People voted for Trump for various reasons. But time after time, over the last eight years, we’ve seen people insist he won’t do the things he says he will do and then be shocked when he does them. The people who voted for Trump are about to Find Out in a big way. Unfortunately, so will the rest of the country.
The Harris Campaign On election night, I said that she’d run a good campaign. But I’ve come to believe they made several critical errors over the short campaign that cost them the office. Probably the biggest was simply refusing to run on Biden’s record. In fact, the Harris campaign fed votes to the Trump campaign by promising to tackle inflation (which has already been under control for two years). At time, it almost seemed like Harris was running against Biden, rather than Trump. One of the most effective Trump commercials simply played video of Harris talking about rising prices. A campaign that should have been about taking credit for successes and promising to address the failures was almost entirely focused on the failures, as if they had taken place under some other Administration.
In the end, this election was close — if a quarter million votes in the midwest had gone the other way, Harris would have won.2 And she did outperform her national pull in the swing states, indicating she was doing something right. It’s very easy to play Wednesday Morning Quarterback.3 But this campaign was winnable.
Hezbollah: Taking advantage of the ongoing Gaza War, Hezbollah decided to get frisky. Their confidence was bolstered by sizzle reels of their supposedly impregnable underground bunkers.
They immediately regretted it. Israel blew up part of the Hezbollah leadership with exploding pagers like something out a James Bond movie. They then blew up the rest with precision strikes. The war went so badly that Hezbollah have now agreed to a ceasefire that will push them out of Southern Lebanon (which they technically should have left in 2006) with their departure enforced by the Lebanese government itself. We’ll see if the ceasefire holds, but they seriously miscalculated what was going to happen.
Trump Cabinet Nominees: When Kristi “Dog Shooter” Noem and Vivek “Dennis the Sorta Menace” Ramaswamy are your less stupid nominations, something has gone quite badly wrong. Many of Trump’s nominees are hilariously unqualified, with their experience consisting of appearances on Fox News. Of course, the joke will be on us when the Republican Senate approves them all.
Dishonorable Mention: J.D. Vance, Ann Selzer, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Johnson, Kari Lake, Sean Coombs, Andrew Tate, Drake, Kristi Noem, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nancy Mace, the site formerly known as Twitter, Crowdstrike.
(RFK, Jr. is his own special category, which we’ll get into in a throughput. See above about how turkeys are supposed to be more comical than evil.)
Ok. Let’s hose that filth out of our browsers and look at what went right this years for our Golden Drumsticks:
Election Workers In the face of a sustained campaign of lies and calumny, they did their jobs. They endured bomb threats and ignorant MAGA minions screaming in their faces. But the votes were cast, the votes were counted and we knew who’d won before the clock struck midnight. US elections are not perfect but they are a darn sight better than the media would have you believe. And that’s because of thousands of people out there just doing the best they can to keep this clattering shambling democracy going.
Olympic Athletes: Once again, they won with grace and style. While the games didn’t lack for controversy, little of it was generated by American athletes who simply dominated.
The Onion A late entry, but their attempt to purchase Alex Jones’ Infowars and turn its money hose over to Jones’ victims is both wonderful and hilarious. Jones is fighting in court, trying to get a judge to turn over his bankrupt company to an ally who will then give it back to Jones. We’ll see what happens. But at least for now, the biggest factory of lies on the internet is owned by the biggest factory of satire.4
Hakeem Jeffries: While the Republican caucus was tearing itself apart and failing to pass anything, Jeffries kept his fractious party in line, got the tiny legislative victories he could and gave the Republicans enough rope to hang themselves. It will be interesting to see what happens when he becomes Speaker in 2026.5
Space Flight: This was another great year for spaceflight with NASA, Space-X and Blue Origin scoring victory after victory in the stars. As I have argued before, we are in a new golden age of spaceflight.
Honorable Mention: Taylor Swift, Josh Shapiro, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, John Fetterman, Pope Francis, Bluesky.
- Or not. As Andrew has pointed out repeatedly, the Democratic coalition is more fractured than it looks and Biden was holding it together. Anti-Trumpism has taped over the cracks, but they are still there. And might have blown apart in an open primary.
- Although, rather hilariously, while losing the popular vote.
- Fun too.
- Honestly, the entire court battle has me mystified. Jones is claiming it’s unfair that the Onion “colluded” with the Sandy Hook families to make sure they got the best settlement out of the purchase. But… it is fair for the company to be purchased by one of Jones’ buddies to give right back to him? There really is a different law for the rich.
- Assuming we have an election.
I have no critiques to offer. Poor poor Joe, it’s entirely merited but so so sad. And so infuriating that, in our brightest timeline, the best we can hope for is that Trump and his minions blatantly keep, and take credit for, everything Bidens’ admin substantively did and ride it to further victories. How utterly galling.Report
Yea, it seems to me that Bidenism had a very strong core of what a forward looking Democratic party should be about, that being strategic investment and modernization of our economy and civil infrastructure. Unfortunately it got weighed down in a combination of what I’ve heard called ‘everything bagel liberalism’ and a leader who age rendered incapable of making the case for it.Report
Yeah I think we’re going to have to give it a whirl again with a leader who isn’t that elderly and so has the vigor both to actively prosecute the messaging and politicking part of the agenda and also push back on the everything bagel nonsense more. The intersectional, “every element of the coalition needs to get something out of every policy” posture just doesn’t strike me as working- especially since even when everything bagel stuff is put in some coalition constituencies are dissatisfied regardless.Report
“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters.” — Antonio Gramsci
Trump did a good job of destroying the Republicans.
Biden was one hell of an attempt at holding the old Democrats together.
He was too old. Maybe he could have pulled it off if it were 2012 (remember him against whatshisname in that VP debate?) but he went from “spry” to “cheapfakes” over the last handful of years and the falcon can’t hear the falconer anymore.
2028 is going to be one hell of a primary. Maybe Trump will crash and burn and it’ll be so spectacular that there will be a permanent democratic majority for a while.
But if Trump merely putters around and plays chicken with foreign policy and clamps down on the border and has some serious deportations that result in even more remigrations thus pumping up wages organically rather than inflationarily? And that gives us a B- Presidency?
Then we’ve got ourselves a primary coming in 2028 for the Democratic Party.
And it’s going to be the most important Democratic primary in our lifetimes.
Instead of being a primary about “WHO ARE WE?” it’ll be “WHO DO WE WANT TO BE?” and *THAT* is a question that really, really, really, really needs to be hammered out quite flat.Report
I mean, Trump destroyed the GOPe.
Did he wreck the DNCe?Report
Not so far. Trump is nemesis to the thesis that is/was the online identarian left. That set have always been about symbols, language and gestures being what’s important with the substantive meat space questions relegated to trivial side issues. That’s Trump to a T, just inverted. He’s all incendiary language, all wild rhetoric, all everything the online identarian left values just inverted but very often (not always) he just sticks to the gabbling. Looking at, for instance, tarrifs the pattern vis a vis Mexico, so far, seems to be Trump threatens tarrifs if the Mexicans don’t “cut off immigration and fentanyl” and the Mexicans seem to be saying “sure we’ll say we’re doing that” while not doing anything substantively and Trump is like “Victory!”
And what’s perverse is that’s the optimistic take on Trump. Like if that’s all he does domestically with what Biden will hand off to him it could actually work out pretty well for him.
But… taxes. There’s no way those mother fishers won’t do a huge tax cut aimed at the wealthy and that’ll bring inflation roaring back unless they actually cut spending which would be a whole ton of real life meatspace stuff. And there’s nothing to stop them from slashing taxes so, well, the best case scenario seems unlikely.Report
I saw the line that politicians always talk about Fraud, Waste, and Abuse and then, once in office, they learn that the US is an old folks’ home with a military.
Maybe we could institute something like MAID? Imagine the money we could save!Report
Heh, it’s an insurance company with an army, not an old folks’ home. So MAID would barely scratch the surface, especially if it was an ethically enacted MAID.Report
I’m looking for somewhere in the ballpark of how ethically it’s handled in Europa and Canadia.Report
Well then MAID is a complete red herring. In Europe* and Canada it’s handled by only conventional treatments being available (nothing bleeding edge) and you not necessarily being able to see specialists or doctors or get treatments right away. Rationing by reduction of options and by queueing in essence.
*Though this is a bit of a generalization since Europe’s various states has a very broad variety of social healthcare setups.Report
Here’s a great thread about non-voluntary euthanasia in the EU.
If we could set something up where we could establish “substituted judgment” for this sort of thing, we could get rid of 90% of Social Security overnight.
We, as a society, would be a *LOT* better off.
In the financial sense of the term.Report
So monstrous and wouldn’t work? Considering that Trump has plenty of elderly supporters I don’t think even his clown car of idiots would go for it. It’d be cheaper to just cut off social security (which would also flash fry his party like a toad in a thunderstorm).Report
What do you mean “wouldn’t work”? It’s working right now!
The upside of MAID compared to cutting off social security is that MAID leaves significantly fewer angry people.Report
Wouldn’t work as in, wouldn’t work and it certainly isn’t working now because there’s no mass “nonvoluntary” MAID. For fish’s sake, in 2022 MAID deaths in Canada were 13,241. That’s out of around 7.6 million older Canadians or so. So not even a fifth of a percentage point. With those kinds of numbers you’d have better luck trying to bring back smoking.
And, of course, if you tried to enact some kind of non-voluntary MAID regime then your populace would rise up in fury.Report
The only think Elon is doing with Space-X is funding it, which is, it should be pointed out, a thing the US government should do. He has also made a bunch of incredibly stupid decisions there that have resulted in it burning even more money for no reason.
Anyway it is going to be hilarious when Trump get tired of Elon and Elon decided to randomly try to swing Twitter against Trump. I don’t know where exactly it will go, but honestly, Elon is literally one of the only people who command as much of a cult as Trump does, and their cults are currently mixed together…it is going to be a messy-as-hell divorce.
I can even see Elon attempting to swing left and the left just rejecting him. They already left Twitter, in a pretty massive and rapid exodus for a social media platform, especially one that isn’t the immediate result of some huge change on the platform rendering it unusable.Report
There was a mini thread on the twitters that talked about the red tribe and the grey tribe and how, until recently, the grey tribe was more than happy enough to play nice with the blue tribe but the blue tribe has recently gone nutso with the whole “Omnicause” thing and that kicked out the Grey Tribe who, let’s face it, keep asking for exceptions to the Omnicause here and there and THAT IS NOT HOW THE OMNICAUSE WORKS.
The grey tribe has now wandered over to the red tribe and said something to the effect of “We are an intellectual elite without a real tribe. You are a real tribe without an intellectual elite. We propose an alliance.”
Now, there are a *LOT* of things in the way. Foremost is the “what do you mean we don’t have an intellectual elite? Screw off. Go down that block, turn right, go two blocks, and the ‘Screw Off’ store is there. Go in, they’re having a sale.” response that being somewhere around that presumptuous would engender.
On top of that, the Red Tribe really, really, likes something like Omnicauses. It’s just that the Evangelicals got really, really dumb when they held the reigns and pissed off a lot of the Fiscons and the hungover-on-Sundays Hawks.
So the Red Tribe has, very recently, been licking its wounds from having too many people wander off their version of the Omnicause’s reservation and so there are a lot of Red Tribe members who are tentatively open to an alliance. Do your part and we’ll do our part and don’t change us too much and we’ll consider not trying to make you change. For now.
And Elon and Trump are swimming in the brackish water where the river of the grey tribe flows into the ocean of the red tribe.
Here’s why I think it won’t work: The grey tribe is annoying AF. Worse than that, those who are of a certain age (or older) overwhelmingly grew up in the red tribe and left. Now they come wandering back like the Prodigal Son, hoping for a job in the household?!?!? And they claim to be ELITE?!? THEY NOT ONLY WANT A SEAT AT THE TABLE BUT A *GOOD* SEAT AT THE TABLE?!?
Here’s why it might work for a few years: Some of them actually are elite. Like, for real elite. Capable of engineering marvels. Capable of managing engineers and unleashing them and creating wonders. If they can just act normal for fifteen minutes when we’re not in the thick of combat against the blue tribe, maybe we could get along. Some of them grew up red tribe, after all. Maybe we were a bit harsh, maybe. Not *WRONG*, of course, but harsh. If they could lighten up on some of their grey tribe bullcrap, maybe we could lighten up on some of the red tribe issues that have less salience in this particular moment and we can back burner those particular issues. For now. So long as the grey tribe can tamp down on the stuff that makes them so gol-danged annoying.
(And I still think that the upcoming birthday party will offer a stark choice to the grey tribe if the blue tribe doesn’t get the omnicause crap under control: Hang out with the people fixing to have a party and be happy *OR* hang out with the omnicausers who will be screaming about how the birthday party requires stolen land acknowledgments.)Report