President Biden Announces Protections, Citizenship Pathway For Undocumented Spouses

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6 Responses

  1. LeeEsq

    Resident immigration lawyer here. Let me break this down into the practicalities. In order to receive a green card in the United States, you generally need to have been admitted and paroled into the United States. This basically means that the United States government needs to where and when you entered into the United States but is somewhat more complicated.

    Many immigrants can not get their green cards or lawful permanent residency in the United States because they entered without inspection. There is a program called Parole in Place. This allows USCIS to, on their own discretion, parole immigrants even if they were EWI. It is currently only available to the spouses and parents of USCs who are active or honorably discharged members of the armed forces or national guard.

    What President Biden seems to plan doing is enlarging the parole in place program so that EWI immigrants married to USCs may apply for it even if the USCs are not or were never in the armed forces.Report

  2. LeeEsq

    The problem that many DACA immigrants have is similar but also a bit more complicated. Besides the fact that many of them are EWI or entered without inspection, meaning they need to consular process, they also have a lot of unlawful presence in the United States. This will trigger various bars if they leave the United States for consular processing. To get around these bars they will need a variety of waivers and many might not have a qualifying relative for these waivers.Report

  3. North

    Thanks for sharing that perspective Lee, very interesting.Report

  4. Philip H

    This is the sort of common sense immigration reform that SHOULD be easy to get bipartisan congressional support for. Unfortunately we can’t get that, so the President is doing a thing that acknowledges the contributions these people are making to the country and providing them a path that guarantees their status. Even inn non-election years this would be a good idea.Report

  5. Kazzy

    Biden and the Democrats… pro-family and pro-marriage!Report

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