RENT has not held up

James Erwin

James Erwin is Federal Affairs Manager for Telecommunications at Americans for Tax Reform and the Executive Director of Digital Liberty. He previously worked four years for Senator Susan Collins on the Senate Aging Committee and in her personal office. A native of Yarmouth, Maine, Erwin holds a B.A. from Bates College. He currently resides in Washington, DC, and his work has appeared in The Hill, National Review, and Townhall. Follow James @erwin1854 on the platform formerly known as Twitter.

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6 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    1996 was another country entirely. I remember hearing stories about broadway tickets costing thousands of dollars on the reseller market… AND THOSE WERE CLINTON DOLLARS.

    There was a *LOT* of FOMO for that. It was the big thing. The theater did this thing where, two hours before the show, they started selling $20 tickets via lottery to student-types who, presumably, saw the show instead of selling them for a major profit.

    And it hasn’t aged well at all.

    Remember The Birdcage? It strikes me as being like that. “Stick it to the man! Stick it to those old fuddy duddies!”

    And now? Ooof. Problematic. Worrisome. Has Nathan Lane apologized for it yet? It’s not a good look!

    We could probably have a series about that sort of thing. “This was the most important cultural event of 2009!” becomes “Um, well… you have to understand that 2008 was a crazy year and the fuddy duddies were really annoying…”Report

  2. Pinky

    Any musical can survive a weak story if it’s got good music. Rent had a good song.Report

  3. Chip Daniels

    Of course aspiring artists are self indulgent moochers. Always have been, always will be.

    Generally speaking, society tolerates a certain degree of indulgence because out of a thousand aspiring painters you get a single Rembrandt.

    The thing that a lot of people miss is that artists are nothing more than capitalist entrepreneurs. It doesn’t matter that their product is a painting instead of a widget, the painter and widget-inventor both start out exploiting other people’s goodwill and patience in the hopes of striking it big with something important.Report

  4. John Puccio

    Everything I know about “Rent” I learned from “Team America World Police” so this article was enlightening.

    And I guess it goes without saying that the author believes our Winona picked the wrong guy at the end of Reality Bites.Report

  5. InMD

    I have no skin in this but I’m not sure it has to hold up. I fall into the old enough to remember it as a big-ish cultural phenomena (the theater girls were obsessed, I occasionally pick up on my non-theater girl wife humming one of the tunes) but too young and probably of the wrong demographic for it to have been an important piece of art to me personally. However I’d give it credit for being unapologetically of it’s time. Plenty of things can still be interesting time capsules even if the years aren’t kind to them or if they seem trivial later. My guess is that all of the knowingness and implicit fourth wall breaking of today’s visual arts is going to seem inexplicable and insufferable in 30 years.Report

  6. Brandon Berg

    Twenty years ago I had a girlfriend in New York. When I went to visit her, she took me to see Rent, which she had not seen, either.

    She later apologized for this.Report

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