Libertarians for Trump?

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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14 Responses

  1. Philip H

    Many of his policies are very anti-liberty.

    Lucy, you got some splainin to do.Report

  2. DensityDuck

    Maybe we should do more “gotchas” where we ask libertarians whether four-year-olds can be sex workers and whether drivers’ licenses should be legally required. That’ll definitely help.Report

  3. Jaybird

    One of the dangerous things about Trump is that he doesn’t seem to mind campaigning.

    I remember hearing, a million years ago, that Rand Paul was going to campaign at one of the HBCUs. I thought “Holy crap. Campaigning? Talking to people? Asking for their vote? IT’S JUST CRAZY ENOUGH TO WORK!!!”

    And you know what Rand Paul did? That’s right: He opened with “You know, Lincoln was a Republican.”

    You could hear the eyes rolling two time zones away.

    Trump? He will show up. He will ask for their vote. He will say that he wants their vote. He will say “I’ll do some stuff that you like” and he’ll shrug and say “and some stuff that will piss you off” and everybody will laugh.

    Holy crap. Campaigning? Talking to people? Asking for their vote? IT’S JUST CRAZY ENOUGH TO WORK!!!Report

  4. Jaybird

    It just flitted across my twitter feed that Trump is scheduling a rally in the South Bronx. A quick google seems to indicate that that might be true.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird

      And I just saw a comparison to Biden holding a rally in the reddest part of Tennessee.

      I think that the argument was that this would be stupid of Biden to do.Report

      • Dark Matter in reply to Jaybird

        Biden can fly wherever he wants.

        Trump is on trial in New York. Either he campaigns there or he doesn’t campaign.Report

        • Michael Cain in reply to Dark Matter

          He’s not under any sort of house arrest, he just has to be in court four days each week. He could get from Manhattan to Teterboro by helicopter in 15 minutes, and from there to anywhere east of the Mississippi River in less than three hours. Travel Tuesday evening, say, after the court adjourns. Do a rally whenever he wants on Wednesday, fly back Wednesday evening. Teterboro can’t take his 757, but he could use his Cessna Citation X or rent a bigger business jet.

          I used to do single day trips from Denver to any of the cities on the West Coast. (Flight times run from 115 minutes to 140 minutes, give or take.) Flying coach it’s a pain, but doable. Got to do it on the corporate jet once, which was a piece of cake.Report

          • Dark Matter in reply to Michael Cain


            The counter point is the court is consuming a huge amount of his bandwidth. For all of the statements about how he’s filled with energy and how “Sleepy Joe” doesn’t have any, the constant falling asleep in court suggests he’s the one that doesn’t have a lot of energy.Report

  5. Brandon Berg

    Like any reasonable person, I’m against both Trump and Biden, but unfortunately there’s essentially no chance that both will lose.

    There’s an asymmetry here: In terms of policy preferences, Trump is arguably worse than Biden, but Biden has been more effective at getting bad policy enacted, and in general, the bad policies Democrats enact tend to last longer.

    Given that my vote has zero chance of swinging the election, I’ll probably vote for a “screw you both” candidate, but even that’s tough to do responsibly, given the LP’s recent shenanigans.

    Every election’s a garbage buffet, but recently they’ve been putting out more and more toxic waste.Report

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