Trump in Trouble

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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7 Responses

  1. CJColucci

    From your lips . . . .

    One thing I’ve noticed from looking at 2016 and even 2020 footage and his 2024 performances is the easily discernible deterioration of TFG as a candidate. He lacks his former energy, focus, and what passes by Trump standards for coherence. Reporting is that his rallies are neither as large nor as enthusiastic as they have been.Report

    • James K in reply to CJColucci

      This is an underappreciated point. People love to point out how old Biden is (and let’s be fair, he is extremely old), but Trump isn’t much younger, and on top of that Biden’s campaign is as much about his team as himself, while Trump’s is purely cult of personality. Trump flagging hurts him more than it does for Biden.Report

      • DavidTC in reply to James K


        I, while not a fan of a lot of Biden’s policies, am 100% sure that if he deteriorates and ends up being a puppet president like Reagan, we will basically just get exactly the same stuff from the people running him.

        Is this the correct way to operate a democracy? No. Will it meaningfully change anything that happens? No.

        Trump, on the other hand, has a history of surrounding himself with completely eratic people, and this time we have had years of extreme political insanity ingrating themselves with him, and the only thing that caused them to fail last time is that he was willing to fire them on a whim because they made him look bad or other people criticized them.

        And there’s no way, as his mental health slowly declines, which does seem to be obviously happening, that he will let the Republican party guide him… Which to be clear, I would not be happy with, but at least I’m pretty certain they wouldn’t declare war on Mexico or whatever insane things the people near Trump would do without him at least having the slightest eye towards his popularity.

        We sort of already had a caretaker Republican Presidential administration under George W Bush, not because he was mentally incapable, because he was completely incurious. And the neocons got in and managed to do a bunch of damage in foreign wars, but they didn’t blow up the economy or do any of this stuff that Trump’s people could do.

        It is a very sobering thought to think about the fact that Trump probably reeled in some of his people, considering how bugnuts Trump is. But he is at least bugnuts in a way that cares what people think about him.Report

  2. Slade the Leveller

    Shall we look at the spending under R governance? D’s make no secret they are in favor of governmental expenditures. Who would you suggest Mr. Thornton vote for?Report

  3. CJColucci

    A much underappreciated point. Voting for a President involves a lot more than how much you like the person him- or her- self.Report

  4. John Puccio

    Down with the Monarchy!
    Up with the Oligarchy!Report

  5. JoeSal

    Trump is doomed!Report

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