Spring Lamb from a Once Noisy Rock

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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1 Response

  1. J_A says:

    Ok, you did it again

    As much as I love lamb, I’m not partial to lamb shanks. But now I need to cook this. Like right now.

    Regretfully I read it after arriving from a market trip where I bought salmon, aged tenderloin, duck, and blood sausage, so the shanks will have to wait until next week. I could cry right now, if I wasn’t so happy I found blood sausage in Houston

    Thank you again. You are my hero heheReport