Throughput: Excited Delirium Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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2 Responses

  1. rexknobus

    Thanks! Love your digests. Today, #10 struck me, not just because of the amazing history of the ongoing exploration of Mars, but also because watching that wonderful video made my aged old gut react in much the same way that reading of Barsoom did back in my Stone Age youth. (Dejah vu?) A lovely feeling. Thanks again.Report

  2. Michael Cain

    ThTh10: One of Cain’s Laws™ says, “When the project begins to exceed either the time or money allotted, the first thing that will be cut is testing. This frequently ends badly.”

    ThTh7 (well, technically 8 because there are two 6s): Recently I came to the conclusion that no matter how much I wanted an electric car, I am old enough that the old Honda Fit will last until I have to give up driving, and given how little I drive now the carbon cost of building another car is more than I can save by getting rid of gasoline. And some of the rest of my carbon footprint will be shrinking as the local power authority moves to 90% non-carbon electricity by 2030.Report

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