Hail to the Champs

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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12 Responses

  1. Burt Likko

    “The moderate and independent voters who will decide the election aren’t paying attention yet, but they will. As the election nears and people start listening to Trump, Biden will sound better and better.”

    Ojala que, amigo. Ojala que. Because right now, Trump is leading in the polls by about 1.5% among likely voters (see page 6). And that’s kind of scary because anyone who’s paying a bit of attention or has a memory that includes J6 can see who and what Donald Trump really is, even if a handful of judges, politicians, and pundits publicly pretend not to.Report

  2. Brandon Berg

    Let the dementia derby begin!

    Every election is a garbage buffet, but this one has nothing on offer but toxic waste.

    I am deeply disappointed in everyone who, after four years of each of these jackasses, said “Four more years” to either of them.Report

    • James K in reply to Brandon Berg

      I think it would be good to institute (as an informal rule at least) that no one over 65 should be nominated for their first term as President, having someone that old in such a high pressure office is just too risky.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Brandon Berg

      Parties don’t chuck incumbents. This is a known trend.

      And the GOP has fully become the Trump Cult. Because they want all the marbles to themselves and he says he will give them the marbles in exchange for letting him rule indefinitely.

      You can be as disappointed as you want in this, but I’m guessing on Primary Day you didn’t vote to stop this from happening, and you won’t on election day either.Report

  3. fillyjonk

    Americans love sequels and “reboots” too dang much.Report

    • InMD in reply to fillyjonk

      I can’t tell if we love them or if they are the path of least resistance, so much so that it’s all we end up getting served. It reminds me of road trips when I was a kid, where no matter what you want you still somehow end up eating at Shoneys three or four days in a row.Report

      • Philip H in reply to InMD

        It is partly what we get served, and partly the path of least resistance. And in this case I’m ok with what I’m getting served. I still believe Democrats can and should move back more left then the centrists they are now, but they are still willing to mostly protect people and communities I care about, and keep moving forward on important environmental issues. Biden may be no leftist, but he’s only a minimal threat.

        Trump – not so much.Report

      • fillyjonk in reply to InMD

        yeah, I think is is a combination of “path of least resistance” and sometimes “better the devil you know” (except in this case? One of the two candidates that I know, I already lived through four chaotic and upsetting years with him at the helm and very much hope he doesn’t get another bite of the apple, though it sometimes eels like a lot of my fellow citizens are up for another round of “watching it all burn”)

        that said, there seem to be precious few up-and-coming folks that I could enthusiastically vote forReport

  4. J_A

    I think that if Biden was free to pass on his baton to whoever he chose, he would chose Mayor Pete.

    But he isn’t free, and he will have to endorse Kamala.

    In a Kamala Harris – Pete Buttigieg primary, I’m team Mayor Pete through and through (and so are my energy company executives colleagues; at least those that will vote D).Report

  5. Koz

    A couple of months ago, I thought this election was the most fundamentally unpredictable thing I’d ever seen or ever likely to see. That’s still true to some extent but still, it’s a lot clearer now than it was then.

    As things stand, the Demos theory of the case has been repudiated pretty clearly (not really something I expected to happen but it did). You want to vote over inflation, border security, or lockdowns? Too bad, those are normal issues but now it’s all about keeping democracy in America so you have to vote Demo whaddyagonnadoo?

    The voters ain’t having that, and for that matter the Demo partisans haven’t even really tried to argue the case as much as assert it, something the OP should bear in mind more than he does. Among other things this line of argument runs up against the perception of the first Trump Administration in the minds of Americans, which is much different than libs imagine it to be.

    Trump has been running ahead of Biden in the polls for a while, but now the vibes are cutting Trump’s way as well, consistent with the polls. It’s become clear that Trump has been the victim of malicious prosecution in many if not all of the cases against him.

    It’s also become clear that President Biden’s lack of energy and engagement are real, to the point where it’s hurting the President among libs as well as conservatives. Special prosecutor Robert Hur basically called the President an incoherent deluded old man, in the nicest lawyerly way he could.

    Having said all this, strictly in horse-race terms I’d still rather be Biden than Trump. Lots of people agree with Trump about this or that. Some of those even support Trump. But it’s big hurdle to get people to actually _empower_ Trump, over the nuclear launch codes, the Secret Service, the DOJ, his Twitter account, etc.

    For a typical American who disapproves of President Biden, it’s much easier to tell a pollster that you’re going to vote for the other guy and much harder to actually pull the lever for Trump from the voting booth.Report

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