Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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2 Responses

  1. Michael Cain says:

    Anyone else here spent time in a house with coal heat? My Grandparents Cain had a coal-fired furnace. In the winter, someone had to get out from under their pile of blankets and go to the basement to shovel coal into the furnace. I was so eager to eventually be big enough that I could be the one. Then I was, and found out why you took your shirt off before you started. Lots of effort, and the furnace started putting out lots of local waste heat before you were half done.Report

    • Kolohe in reply to Michael Cain says:

      My grandmother’s rowhouse, built in the late 1800s, in the NYC metro area, was originally built with coal heat. It was probably converted to oil heat sometime in the mid 20th century. When she passed away in the mid 1980s, there was still a significant pile of coal in the basement coal bin (which itself was hidden under and behind stacks of stuff). Very early teenage me shoveled out all that coal into plastic shopping bags, and carried them up to the alley for the trash collection. Ultimately it made a pile (one bag deep) about three feet high and the length of the car. (a 1980s car)

      So coal, plastic waste, child labor, no breathing mask – I think I hit all the high points for environmental and labor regs.Report